Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose — Solution

13 May.,2024


Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose — Solution

Industrial grade hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose with mortar to distinguish viscosity, commonly used have the following several grades (unit is viscosity)

If you want to learn more, please visit our website general grade hpmc.

1. Low viscosity: 400 is mainly used for self-leveling mortar, but generally imported.

Reason: low viscosity, although poor water retention, but good leveling, high mortar compactness.

2. Medium and low viscosity: 20,000–40000 mainly used for ceramic tile glue, caulking agent, anti-cracking mortar, thermal insulation bonding mortar, etc.

Reason: good construction, less water, high density of mortar.

1, what is the main use of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC)?

HPMC is widely used in building materials, coatings, synthetic resins, ceramics, medicine, food, textiles, agriculture, cosmetics, tobacco and other industries. HPMC can be divided into: construction grade, food grade and medical grade by use. At present, most of the domestic construction grade, in the construction grade, putty powder dosage is large, about 90% is used to make putty powder, the rest is used to make cement mortar and glue.

hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC)

2, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) is divided into several, what is the difference in its use?

HPMC can be divided into instant and hot solution type, instant products, in cold water quickly dispersed, disappear in the water, at this time the liquid has no viscosity, because HPMC is just dispersed in the water, no real dissolution. About 2 minutes, the viscosity of the liquid slowly increases, forming a transparent viscous colloid. Hot soluble products, in cold water, can be quickly dispersed in hot water, disappear in hot water, when the temperature drops to a certain temperature, viscosity slowly appears, until the formation of transparent viscous colloid. Hot solution can only be used in putty powder and mortar, in the liquid glue and paint, there will be a group phenomenon, can not be used. Instant SOLUTION MODEL, RANGE OF APPLICATION IS A FEW WIDER, IN BE BORED WITH CHILD POWDER AND MORTAR, AND IN LIQUID GLUE AND COATING, ALL CAN USE, WITHOUT what CONTRAINDICATION.

3, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) solubility methods have those?

— A: Hot water dissolution method: Because HPMC is not dissolved in hot water, so early HPMC can be evenly dispersed in hot water, and then quickly dissolved when cooled, two typical methods are described as follows:

1) Put the required amount of hot water into the container and heat it to about 70℃. Gradually add hydroxypropyl methylcellulose under slow stirring, HPMC began to float on the surface of the water, and then gradually form a slurry, under stirring cooling the slurry.

2), add the required amount of 1/3 or 2/3 water in the container, and heat to 70℃, according to the method of 1), HPMC dispersion, preparation of hot water slurry; Then add the remaining amount of cold water to the hot slurry, stir and cool the mixture.

Powder mixing method: HPMC powder and a large number of other powdery material ingredients, thoroughly mixed with a blender, after adding water to dissolve, then HPMC can dissolve at this time, but not cohesion, because each small corner, only a little HPMC powder, water will immediately dissolve. — Putty powder and mortar production enterprises are using this method. Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) is used as thickening agent and water retaining agent in putty powder mortar.

4, how simple and intuitive to determine the quality of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC)?

— Answer: (1) whiteness: although whiteness can not determine whether HPMC is good to use, and if it is added in the production process of whitening agent, will affect its quality. However, good products are mostly white.

(2) fineness: HPMC fineness generally 80 mesh and 100 mesh, 120 less purpose, Hebei HPMC mostly 80 mesh, the finer the fineness, generally the better.

(3) transmittance: the hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) into the water, the formation of a transparent colloid, see its transmittance, the greater the transmittance, the better, the less insoluble material inside. The permeability of the vertical reactor is generally good, the horizontal reactor is worse, but can not show that the quality of the vertical reactor production is better than that of the horizontal reactor production, product quality is determined by many factors.

(4) specific gravity: the greater the specific gravity, the heavier the better. Than significant, generally because the content of hydroxypropyl is high, hydroxypropyl content is high, then water retention is better.

5, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) in the amount of putty powder?

— Answer: HPMC in the actual application of the dosage, by the climate environment, temperature, local calcium ash quality, putty powder formula and “customer requirements of quality”, and there are different. Generally speaking, between four and five kilograms. For example: Beijing putty powder, mostly put 5 kg; In Guizhou, most of them are 5 kg in summer and 4.5 kg in winter. Yunnan’s quantity is small, generally 3 kg -4 kg and so on.

6, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) how much viscosity is appropriate?

— Answer: BE bored WITH CHILD POWDER GENERAL 100 THOUSAND OK, THE REQUIREMENT IN MORTAR IS SOME TALLER, WANT 150 THOUSAND ABILITY TO USE. Moreover, the most important role of HPMC is water retention, followed by thickening. In putty powder, as long as the water retention is good, the viscosity is low (7–80 thousand), it is also possible, of course, the viscosity is larger, the relative water retention is better, when the viscosity is more than 100 thousand, the viscosity has little effect on the water retention.

7, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) what are the main technical indicators?

A: Hydroxypropyl content and viscosity, which are what most users are concerned about. Hydroxypropyl content is high, water retention is generally better. Viscosity, water retention, relative (but not absolute) is also better, and viscosity, in cement mortar better use some.

8, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) the main raw materials are what?

— Answer: hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) of the main raw materials: refined cotton, chloromethane, propylene oxide, other raw materials have, tablet alkali, acid, toluene, isopropyl alcohol, etc.

9, HPMC in the application of putty powder, what is the main role, whether chemistry?

HPMC in putty powder, thickening, water retention and construction of three roles. Thickening: Cellulose can be thickened to play a suspension, so that the solution to maintain uniform up and down the same role, anti flow hanging. Water retention: make putty powder dry more slowly, auxiliary ash calcium reaction under the action of water. Construction: Cellulose has lubricating effect, can make putty powder has good construction. HPMC does not participate in any chemical reactions, only plays an auxiliary role. Putty powder added water, on the wall, is a chemical reaction, because there is the generation of new material, putty powder on the wall down from the wall, ground into powder, and then used, it is no longer, because has formed a new material (calcium carbonate). The main components of grey calcium powder are: Ca(OH)2, CaO and a small amount of CaCO3 mixture, CaO+H2O=Ca(OH)2 — Ca(OH)2+CO2=CaCO3↓+H2O calcium ash in water and air under the action of CO2, the formation of calcium carbonate, and HPMC only water retention, auxiliary calcium ash better reaction, its own did not participate in any reaction.

10, HPMC non-ionic cellulose ether, then what is non-ionic?

A: Generally speaking, nonionic is a substance in water that does not ionize. Ionization is the process by which an electrolyte is dissociated into freely moving charged ions in a specific solvent, such as water or alcohol. For example, sodium chloride (NaCl), the salt we eat every day, dissolves in water and ionizes to produce free-moving sodium ions (Na+) that are positively charged and chloride ions (Cl) that are negatively charged. In other words, HPMC in water does not dissociate into charged ions, but exists as molecules.

Application and Properties of Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose ...

Application and Properties of Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose HMPC

Application and Properties of Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose HMPC

Plaster is a substrate treatment for the inside of walls, render refers ro the substrate for the outside of walls, it is sometimes also referred to as putty, though in British English putty also refers to a linseed paste that is used in the installation of traditional wooden windows. Plaster or Render is often applied in a maleable putty like format, which helps to achieve to a sealed and smooth finish, prior to final coating. The main function is to fill in defects in the base wall and to microfine the base surface.


HPMC.29.3F"> What is Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC)?

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) is a non-ionic cellulose ether. It is an odourless and tasteless white powder. It is produced from purified cotton or wood pulp by a series of etherification reactions.


Properties of HPMC

Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) has thermal gelation properties, as its aqueous solution precipitates and gels, and dissolves when cooled. The gelation temperature varies depending on the specification, and its solubility varies with viscosity, the lower the viscosity, the higher the solubility. HPMC is essentially methane-epoxide-modified methyl cellulose and therefore has similar properties to methyl cellulose, being readily soluble in cold water and insoluble in hot water. The solution does not contain an ionic charge and therefore will not react with metal salts or ionic compounds.

HPMC has good dispersability, emulsification, thickening, adhesion, water retention, and glue retention properties and is therefore widely used in pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, construction, ceramics, textiles, food, daily chemicals, synthetic resins, coatings and other fields, as well as electronic products.


Application of HPMC in putty powder

Depending on the application, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) can be classified as construction grade, food grade and medical grade. In construction, HPMC is mainly used in laster (also called putty powder), with varying percentages used in the gypsum mix.

HPMC powder is mainly used as a thickener, water retention agent and lubricant.

  • Thickeners: HPMC is added to putty powder to thicken it, enhance its suspension, resist sagging and keep it in a homogeneous solution.
  • Water Retainer: HPMC is added to putty powder to keep it moist and to allow the auxiliary grey calcium to act as an underwater agent.
  • Lubricant: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose has a lubricating effect. The use of HPMC in putty powder gives the putty powder a good compatibility, keeps it flat during construction and saves labour.

Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) does not chemically react, except as an auxiliary molecule. Though adding water to the powder causes a chemical reaction, during which a new substance (calcium carbonate) is formed. Because of the formation of this new substance (calcium carbonate) it can't be reused in the same way twice.The main components of grey calcium powder are:Ca(OH)2, CaO and a small amount of CaCO3 mixture.CaO+H2O=Ca(OH)2 - Ca(OH)2+CO2=CaCO3↓+H2O gray calcium in water and air under the action of CO2, the formation of calcium carbonate, and HPMC only water, auxiliary gray calcium better reaction, its own did not participate in any reaction.

The formulation of the putty can vary from one size to another. As a result, the viscosity and dosage of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) vary. In practice, it is recommended to use a lower viscosity HPMC product in winter, which is more conducive to construction. Otherwise, when the temperature is low, the viscosity will increase and this may cause problems for further applications.




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For more information, please visit hpmc white wall powder.

Cosmetics Preservation: A Review on Present Strategies

The antimicrobial efficacy test is used to assess the efficacy of preservation systems in the final product. The antimicrobial efficacy test was initially designed to assess the performance of antimicrobials added to inhibit the growth of microorganisms that may be introduced into the product during or after the manufacturing process [97]. Several tests have been recommended by different laboratories, but the challenge test (described next) remains the method adopted by the international regulations. These methods are described in the European, American, and Japanese pharmacopoeia, as well as other organizations, such as PCPC (Personal Care Products Council) (from CTFA-M1 to CTFA-M7), ASEAN (Association for Southeast Asian Nations), ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), and International Organization for Standardization (ISO 11930 standard), among others.

Challenge Test

The challenge test is used during product development to determine the efficacy and stability of the preservative system over time. The test involves inoculating a measured amount of product with known amounts of microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, and molds) [98]. Whenever possible the original packaging is used for the test. The containers are protected from light and incubated at room temperature for 28 days. The mortality rate is measured over this period in relation to the acceptance criteria set out in the official regulations documents [97,99].

Challenge test assessment is related to the stability of a formulation during manufacture, storage, and its use by the consumer. It is recommended that all these aspects be duly taken into account when performing such tests by carrying out the following parameters: (1) validation of the preservation efficacy when freshly prepared in laboratorial conditions; (2) validation of the preservation efficacy after the end of storage in the container, to show possible interference with the packaging materials; and (3) validation of preservation efficacy in the first production batch, just prior to packaging, thus revealing all possible influences occurring throughout the manufacturing process [100]. To evaluate the microbiological quality of a product, results of the efficacy test of a cosmetic product preservatives are collected and a prognosis is achieved [99]. The recommendations of the challenge test are inspired by the European, American, and Japanese pharmacopoeia. A comparison between these three pharmacopoeias is summarized in .

a. Test organisms

The specific strains recommended to be used in these tests can be obtained from official cell culture collections, such as the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). The most common test strains are potentially pathogenic representatives of Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus), Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), molds (Aspergillus niger), and yeast (Candida albicans) [17].

Staphylococcus aureus represents Gram-positive cocci in many tests. It is a part of normal nasal and cutaneous microflora. Although rare, its presence in cosmetic products may be indicative of human contamination. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative bacilli. It is a well-known and highly pathogenic ubiquitous bacteria. It also shows high resistance against many preservatives. Escherichia coli is a Gram-negative bacilli of the family Enterobacteriaceae. It is considered as an indicator of fecal contamination. Like most coliform bacteria, it can easily develop resistance to preservatives. Candida albicans is present in human mucous and ubiquitous in the environment. It is the representative of yeasts being an example of yeast resistance to presents to preserved systems. Aspergillus niger is a major cause of product decomposition and contamination by filamentous fungi [6,17,101].

The conservation of strains is an important factor. For example, most bacteria and the yeast Candida remain viable for one month under refrigerated conditions, while Pseudomonas aeruginosa cannot be useful after two weeks (depending on specific conditions). An effective way to keep mold spores is to store them at room temperature on slanted agar. Weekly or periodic transplanting may be done to ensure the viability of microorganisms, but this practice increases the risk of resistance loss. Alternatively, the cultures can also be frozen or lyophilized, in order to maintain the stability of the microorganism and avoid the need of frequent subcultures. The main advantage of these storage media is the prevention of genetic resistance factors loss [28,102].

b. Inoculum

Strain maintenance is an important component of any standard protocol, and involves standardization of strain storage, culture conditions (time and temperature), and selected nutrient medium [103]. The growth and preparation of a test organism determines its physiological state and have a direct influence on the results of the preservative efficacy analysis [104,105]. It is essential to maintain cultures of microorganisms that are transplanted on suitable supports, to ensure viability and resistance [103].

A medium such as tryptic soy agar (soybean-casein digest agar) supports vigorous growth and is recommended for the initial culture of the bacteria. Sabouraud dextrose agar is a non-selective medium used for the cultivation and conservation of pathogenic and non-pathogenic fungi [106].

Pharmacopoeia use saline solutions to wash test strains before inoculation instead of nutrient broth. The latter decreases the inactivation rate of the test organisms comparatively with the saline solution prepared for the strains grown on the agar [107].

According to all the three pharmacopoeia, the strains are cultured for the same period of time, ensuring that the cells are viable and growing in the log phase, thereby normalizing the response to antimicrobial agents [38,108,109].

c. Inoculation of samples

After adjusting the number of starting cells, the inoculum is then used to inoculate test samples. For some organizations (such as CTFA), samples of cosmetic products can be inoculated as bacterial or fungal “cocktails”. Nevertheless, the use of bacterial or fungal mixtures offers considerable savings in time and cost. However, the three pharmacopoeias recommend inoculation by a single strain separately. The volume of the inoculum should not exceed 1% of the product sample, in order to avoid the modification of its physical and chemical properties [38,108,109].

The inoculated test samples are incubated during 28 days, varying the conditions between room and high temperature, depending on the objective, since higher temperatures are used to simulate specific environmental conditions. Temperatures between 20–25 °C support the growth of microorganisms and their possible reaction with preservative active ingredients [98].

d. Assessment of the microbial level for cosmetic products

To estimate the level of microorganisms inoculated in a sample of a cosmetic product, it is required to select the appropriate conditions of each culture (culture medium, dilution, temperature and period of incubation). These conditions must provide an unlimited growth of microorganisms, resulting in the inactivation of the preservative system present in the sample [102].

The number of viable microorganisms’ existent in the inoculums suspension is determined by the plate count method, through which the initial concentration of CFU/mL in the test product is determined. The inoculated vessels are examined 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after inoculation and the number of microorganisms (CFU/mL) is determined at each time interval, being the percentage of microorganisms estimated relative to the initial concentration [28].

The preservative inactivation is considered successful when the number of the microorganisms inoculated at zero time deviates by no more than 1 log10 from the one theoretically predicted. The survival rate can be either qualitatively or quantitatively evaluated [110]. Several independent researchers have applied other microorganism counting methods in the efficacy test of preservatives, including impedance, direct epifluorescence (DEF), and ATP bioluminescence (ATP-B).

The impedance method is based on a calibration between CFU and the impedance detection time (DT) establishment. In this method, the electrochemical changes in a microbiological culture due to microorganisms’ metabolism is measured [111]. In a culture medium, the impedance variation occurs due to the chemical composition modification caused by the growth of microorganisms and metabolic activity. The density of the population of microorganisms is correlated with the DT of the impedance. The DT is referred to as the time required to produce a detectable acceleration in the impedance curve [112]. The results obtained indicated that this method is applicable to the entire range of test strains (bacterial and fungal), having a detection sensitivity equivalent colony counting method, representing a satisfactory alternative to this one [113,114]. In 2014, Ferreira et al. [115] used lyophilized inoculum of solid powders in order to enable the microorganisms’ homogenization in the sample. They also verified the applicability of the impedance method for these lyophilized inoculum.

The direct epifluorescence (DEF) method is based on the observation that viable microbial cells, which mainly contain RNA, are stained in red with orange acridine, while non-viable cells, which mainly contain DNA, are stained in green. The DEF, as a quick method, has two major advantages: first, it gives an immediate result (between 1 to 4 h); and second, it presents the potential for high detection sensitivity which is determined by the maximum sample volume that can be concentrated on the filter. However, in practice, there are problems associated with the interference of cellular debris with viable cells (red stain), as well as interference of dead clumped cells with microcolonies (green fluorescence). The clumping of bacterial cells by some preservatives (chlorhexidine) is another problem which overestimates the viability. Thus, this technique is not applicable to Aspergillus and it is not suitable for processing complex formulations that cause problems in filtration of samples [116].

In the ATP bioluminescence method (ATP-B), the bioluminescence mechanism involves the enzyme luciferase in the presence of luciferin, oxygen (O2), magnesium and ATP. This reaction leads to the emission of photons and the intensity of the light produced is directly proportional to the rate of ATP [117]. However, this method is not applicable to the genus Aspergillus, and to creams or suspensions, since these latest could interfere with the detection of light emission [116].

e. Interpretation of results

The acceptance criteria, in terms of the logarithmic reduction of the viable microorganism’s number relatively to the value obtained for the inoculums, vary for the different categories of preparations, according to the international organizations [118]. The criteria of the three pharmacopoeias for the evaluation of antimicrobial activity are given in . The log reduction is calculated by the following equation: log reduction = log of initial CFU/mL-log of product challenge results CFU/mL [98].

Sidley Chemical Co., Ltd

What Is Hydroxyethyl Cellulose. Applications and Properties

Hydroxyethyl Cellulose


Hydroxyethyl Cellulose is a white, free-flowing granular powder, prepared from the alkali cellulose and ethylene oxide (or ethylene chlorohydrin) by etherification, and belongs to non-ionic soluble cellulose ethers, both soluble in hot and cold water. Owing to good thickening, suspending, dispersing, emulsifying, film-forming, water-protecting and providing protective colloid properties, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose has been widely used in oil exploitation, coating, building, medicine, food, textile, papermaking, polymerization and other fields.

In the daily chemical industry such as toothpaste, soap, lotion and cosmetics, and ointment, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose acts as a thickener, dispersing agent, binder and stabilizer to increase the density, lubrication, and mercerized appearance of products. SidleyCel™ Hydroxyethyl Cellulose products are applicable to personal care and cosmetics, with purity over 95%. The reliable quality and high stability have been recognized by customers.

Hydroxyethyl Cellulose has wide applications: In the paint industry, Hydroxyethyl Cellulose can provide the latex paint especially high PVA paints with excellent coating performance. When the paint is thick paste, no flocculation will occur. Hydroxyethyl Cellulose has higher thickening effects. It can reduce the dosage, improve the cost-effectiveness of formulation, and enhance the washing resistance of paints. Hydroxyethyl Cellulose is all treated by the delayed dissolution, and in the case of adding dry powder, can effectively prevent caking and make sure hydration starts after the adequate dispersion of Hydroxyethyl Cellulose powder.

Hydroxyethyl Cellulose of daily-chemical grade has good mildew-resistant performance, system thickening and rheology modifying functions, as well as good water retention and film formation, and gives the final product full visual effects and all necessary application performance. The surface-treated Hydroxyethyl Cellulose has cold water solubility, and dry powder can be used and directly added into water. Good dispersion of the product in water can avoid clumping of product, and the occurrence of uneven dissolution. The final aqueous solution is uniform, continuous and full.

Hydroxyethyl Cellulose can be used as a thickener and cementing agent of workover fluid for oil wells. It helps to provide with the clear solution with a low fixed content, thus greatly reducing the damage to the structure of oil wells.  The liquid with Hydroxyethyl Cellulose used for thickening gets easily decomposed by the acid, enzyme or oxidizing agent, and greatly enhances the ability of hydrocarbon recovery. In the oil well fluid, hydroxyethyl cellulose is used as the carrier of proppant. These fluids can be easily decomposed by the the processes described above.



Coating ,Painting  Industrial

Hydroxyethy Cellulose provides the latex paints especially high PVA paints with excellent coating performance. When the paint is thick paste, no flocculation will occur.

Hydroxyethy Cellulose provides the latex paints especially high PVA paints with excellent coating performance. When the paint is thick paste, no flocculation will occur.

Applications in Oil Well Cementing and Drilling

Hydroxyethy Cellulose can be used as a thickener and cementing agent of workover fluid for oil wells. It helps to provide with the clear solution with a low fixed content, thus greatly reducing the damage to the structure of oil wells.

Hydroxyethy Cellulose can be used as a thickener and cementing agent of workover fluid for oil wells. It helps to provide with the clear solution with a low fixed content, thus greatly reducing the damage to the structure of oil wells.

Application Guide for Daily Chemical Industry

Hydroxyethy Cellulose of daily-chemical grade has good mildew-resistant performance, system thickening and rheology modifying functions, as well as good water retention and film formation, and gives the final product full visual effects and all necessary application performance.

Hydroxyethy Cellulose of daily-chemical grade has good mildew-resistant performance, system thickening and rheology modifying functions, as well as good water retention and film formation, and gives the final product full visual effects and all necessary application performance.



Ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose: [C6H7O2 (OH)x (OC2H5)y [O(CH2CH2O)mH]z]nEthyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose is cellulose in which both ethyl and hydroxyethyl groups are attached to the anhydroglucose units by ether linkages. Ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose is prepared from cellulose by treatment with alkali, ethylene oxide and ethyl chloride. The article of commerce may be specified further by the viscosity of its aqueous solutions. more Hydroxyethyl cellulose is is a thickening or gelling agent made from cellulose. It is used as an ingredient in solutions such as household cleaning products, soaps, and shampoos. Hydroxyethyl cellulose thickens these solutions and reduces the amount of suds or foam they. This increases the cleaning effect because colloids surround the dirt particles, which then wash away with water. more hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC), a nonionic, water-soluble polymer, is a white, free-flowing granular powder. It is made by reacting ethylene oxide with alkali-cellulose under rigidly controlled conditions. Purified hydroxyethylcellulose for personal care and cosmetic applications is typically sold at 95.0 percent minimum purity (dry basis).Solutions of hydroxyethylcellulose are pseudoplastic or shear-thinning. As a result, personal care products formulated with hydroxyethylcellulose dispense rich and thick from the container, but spread easily on hair and skin.hydroxyethylcellulose has applications in multiple markets including adhesives and sealants, advanced ceramics, building and construction, ceramics, pottery and porcelain, commercial and institutional, oil and gas technologies, metal castings and foundry, paint and coatings, personal care pharmaceutical and pulp and paper. more Hydroxyethyl cellulose is a gelling and thickening agent derived from cellulose. It is widely used in cosmetics, cleaning solutions, and other household products.[1] Hydroxyethyl cellulose and methyl cellulose are frequently used with hydrophobic drugs in capsule formulations, to improve the drugs’ dissolution in the gastrointestinal fluids. This process is known as “Hydrophilization”.Hydroxyethyl cellulose is the main ingredient in the lubricant KY Jelly. It is also a key ingredient in the formation of big bubbles as it possesses the ability to dissolve in water but also provide structural strength to the soap bubble. more There are different grades of Hydroxethyl Cellulose with varying formulation requirements. Hydroxethyl Cellulose (HEC) is a free-flowing, extremely easy to use, granular powder that easily disperses into room temperature water without clumping or forming “fish-eyes”. We are currently the only distributor for this particular Hydroxyethcellose (HEC) product, therefore other Hydroxethyl Cellulose  products will likely require different formulation technique and procedures.Hydroxethyl Cellulose (HEC) has an exceptional skin feel and is the perfect ingredient to make crystal clear serums for water soluble active ingredients. It can also be used to make crystal clear, water soluble hair styling gels. In addition, Hydroxethyl Cellulose (HEC) offers excellent functionality when used in the water phase of emulsions to build viscosity and stability. However, Hydroxethyl Cellulose (HEC) is not an emulsifier and will not emulsify oils into water. more Hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) is a non-ionic rheology modifier derived from cellulose (wood), a renewable raw material.  Like all polymers (gums), the use of Hydroxyethylcellulose in your personal care products will change the flow properties of water.  This can benefit a variety of personal care products allowing you to create crystal clear serums, softer creams and lotions, and enhanced cleansing systems.more In oildrillingA nonionic cellulose derivative with hydroxyethyl groups attached to the polymer structure. Hydroxyethylcellulose is used as a viscosifier in brines and saline fracturing fluids, workover fluids, completion fluids and drill-in fluids. It gives pseudoplastic rheology but essentially no gel strength development. Hydroxyethylcellulose offers little fluid-loss control, other than its rheological effects. Hydroxyethylcellulose is seldom used in drilling fluids. Cellulose fibers are reacted with caustic soda and ethylene oxide to form Hydroxyethylcellulose. Hydroxyethyl groups attach to the OH groups of the polysaccharide structure by ether linkages. A high degree of substitution (from 1.5 to 2.5 out of 3 maximum) gives Hydroxyethylcellulose superior solubility in water and various brines. Being nonionic, it is not precipitated by hardness ions and disperses well at high salinity. Hydroxyethylcellulose is not degraded by common bacteria. more Hydroxyethyl Cellulose or HEC is a thickening agent that is used in cosmetics.  There are a lot of thickeners, as well as reasons to use certain thickeners.  Cetyl Alcohol is a great thickener and feels really wonderful, but some people might be sensitive to it.  Cetearyl Alcohol is a nice thickener, but might not have quite as nice of a feel to it.  Xanthan Gum, which is a food additive and also a cosmetic, can be used in place of HEC, but has some ionic incompatibility issues in certain products, which is why I alternatively use HEC in some situations. Both Xanthan Gum and HEC are actually water stabilizers and help to create a more stable emulsion in an unstable oil-and-water environment, which is what any lotion is.  Basic chemistry states that oil and water do not mix.  When you make lotion, you must add an emulsifier, but sometimes an emulsifier alone does not create the most stabile environment and a water stabilizer is needed.  Depending on the situation, I use both HEC and Xanthan gum. more Hydroxyethylcellulose History and OriginHydroxyethylcellulose is derived from cellulose and is used in many industries such as skin care products, hair care products, cleaning solutions and many other common household products that are used every day by the general public. Its importance in the field of medicine makes it an indispensable ingredient in making hydrophobic drugs and medications that are usually packaged in capsule forms. Hydroxyethylcellulose makes this medication easily absorbed by the walls of the gastro intestinal system.Hydroxyethylcellulose Modern UsesDuring today’s modern times, Hydroxyethylcellulose was created to improve the quality of many care and cleaning products so as to dissolve perfectly in water. This makes this an indispensable additive in most personal care items such as shampoos, body washes, moisturizing gels, shower and bath products.In the cosmetic industry, Hydroxyethylcellulose is perfect in thickening cosmetic emulsions such as concealers, foundations and mascaras. It makes these products easy to apply onto the skin and to remain on the skin as well.This chemical is also found in many household cleaners, household products and other personal care items. more

Ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose: [C6H7O2 (OH)x (OC2H5)y [O(CH2CH2O)mH]z]nEthyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose is cellulose in which both ethyl and hydroxyethyl groups are attached to the anhydroglucose units by ether linkages. Ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose is prepared from cellulose by treatment with alkali, ethylene oxide and ethyl chloride. The article of commerce may be specified further by the viscosity of its aqueous solutions. moreis is a thickening or gelling agent made from cellulose. It is used as an ingredient in solutions such as household cleaning products, soaps, and shampoos. Hydroxyethyl cellulose thickens these solutions and reduces the amount of suds or foam they. This increases the cleaning effect because colloids surround the dirt particles, which then wash away with water. more(HEC), a nonionic, water-soluble polymer, is a white, free-flowing granular powder. It is made by reacting ethylene oxide with alkali-cellulose under rigidly controlled conditions. Purified hydroxyethylcellulose for personal care and cosmetic applications is typically sold at 95.0 percent minimum purity (dry basis).Solutions of hydroxyethylcellulose are pseudoplastic or shear-thinning. As a result, personal care products formulated with hydroxyethylcellulose dispense rich and thick from the container, but spread easily on hair and skin.hydroxyethylcellulose has applications in multiple markets including adhesives and sealants, advanced ceramics, building and construction, ceramics, pottery and porcelain, commercial and institutional, oil and gas technologies, metal castings and foundry, paint and coatings, personal care pharmaceutical and pulp and paper. moreis a gelling and thickening agent derived from cellulose. It is widely used in cosmetics, cleaning solutions, and other household products.[1] Hydroxyethyl cellulose and methyl cellulose are frequently used with hydrophobic drugs in capsule formulations, to improve the drugs’ dissolution in the gastrointestinal fluids. This process is known as “Hydrophilization”.Hydroxyethyl cellulose is the main ingredient in the lubricant KY Jelly. It is also a key ingredient in the formation of big bubbles as it possesses the ability to dissolve in water but also provide structural strength to the soap bubble. more There are different grades ofwith varying formulation requirements. Hydroxethyl Cellulose (HEC) is a free-flowing, extremely easy to use, granular powder that easily disperses into room temperature water without clumping or forming “fish-eyes”. We are currently the only distributor for this particular Hydroxyethcellose (HEC) product, therefore other Hydroxethyl Cellulose products will likely require different formulation technique and procedures.(HEC) has an exceptional skin feel and is the perfect ingredient to make crystal clear serums for water soluble active ingredients. It can also be used to make crystal clear, water soluble hair styling gels. In addition, Hydroxethyl Cellulose (HEC) offers excellent functionality when used in the water phase of emulsions to build viscosity and stability. However, Hydroxethyl Cellulose (HEC) is not an emulsifier and will not emulsify oils into water. more(HEC) is a non-ionic rheology modifier derived from cellulose (wood), a renewable raw material. Like all polymers (gums), the use of Hydroxyethylcellulose in your personal care products will change the flow properties of water. This can benefit a variety of personal care products allowing you to create crystal clear serums, softer creams and lotions, and enhanced cleansing systems.more In oildrillingA nonionic cellulose derivative with hydroxyethyl groups attached to the polymer structure.is used as a viscosifier in brines and saline fracturing fluids, workover fluids, completion fluids and drill-in fluids. It gives pseudoplastic rheology but essentially no gel strength development. Hydroxyethylcellulose offers little fluid-loss control, other than its rheological effects. Hydroxyethylcellulose is seldom used in drilling fluids. Cellulose fibers are reacted with caustic soda and ethylene oxide to form Hydroxyethylcellulose. Hydroxyethyl groups attach to the OH groups of the polysaccharide structure by ether linkages. A high degree of substitution (from 1.5 to 2.5 out of 3 maximum) gives Hydroxyethylcellulose superior solubility in water and various brines. Being nonionic, it is not precipitated by hardness ions and disperses well at high salinity. Hydroxyethylcellulose is not degraded by common bacteria. moreor HEC is a thickening agent that is used in cosmetics. There are a lot of thickeners, as well as reasons to use certain thickeners. Cetyl Alcohol is a great thickener and feels really wonderful, but some people might be sensitive to it. Cetearyl Alcohol is a nice thickener, but might not have quite as nice of a feel to it. Xanthan Gum, which is a food additive and also a cosmetic, can be used in place of HEC, but has some ionic incompatibility issues in certain products, which is why I alternatively use HEC in some situations. Both Xanthan Gum and HEC are actually water stabilizers and help to create a more stable emulsion in an unstable oil-and-water environment, which is what any lotion is. Basic chemistry states that oil and water do not mix. When you make lotion, you must add an emulsifier, but sometimes an emulsifier alone does not create the most stabile environment and a water stabilizer is needed. Depending on the situation, I use both HEC and Xanthan gum. moreHistory and OriginHydroxyethylcellulose is derived from cellulose and is used in many industries such as skin care products, hair care products, cleaning solutions and many other common household products that are used every day by the general public. Its importance in the field of medicine makes it an indispensable ingredient in making hydrophobic drugs and medications that are usually packaged in capsule forms. Hydroxyethylcellulose makes this medication easily absorbed by the walls of the gastro intestinal system.Modern UsesDuring today’s modern times, Hydroxyethylcellulose was created to improve the quality of many care and cleaning products so as to dissolve perfectly in water. This makes this an indispensable additive in most personal care items such as shampoos, body washes, moisturizing gels, shower and bath products.In the cosmetic industry, Hydroxyethylcellulose is perfect in thickening cosmetic emulsions such as concealers, foundations and mascaras. It makes these products easy to apply onto the skin and to remain on the skin as well.This chemical is also found in many household cleaners, household products and other personal care items. more

Mix viscous HydroxyEthylCellulose solutions, using the NovAseptic HS mixer, at small & large scales

This mixing demonstration illustrates when pilot scale mixing evaluations are developed beforehand it simplifies larger scale mixing trials and improves the likelihood of an efficient mixing process. more

Cellulose, 2-hydroxyethyl ether 2-Hydroxyethyl celluloseFormula: (C2H602)xMolecular mass: variable (polymer) moreHydroxyethyl Cellulose Synonyms

Cellulose, 2-hydroxyethyl ether 2-Formula: (C2H602)xMolecular mass: variable (polymer) moreHydroxyethyl Cellulose Synonyms

 Also learn more about Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose 


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