Silicafume users-manual | PDF

15 Jul.,2024


Silicafume users-manual | PDF

Time-State Analytics: MinneAnalytics Talk

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Evan Chan


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Slides from my talk at MinneAnalytics - June 7, Across many domains, we see a growing need for complex analytics to track precise metrics at Internet scale to detect issues, identify mitigations, and analyze patterns. Think about delays in airlines (Logistics), food delivery tracking (Apps), detect fraudulent transactions (Fintech), flagging computers for intrusion (Cybersecurity), device health (IoT), and many more. For instance, at Conviva, our customers want to analyze the buffering that users on some types of devices suffer, when using a specific CDN. We refer to such problems as Multidimensional Time-State Analytics. Time-State here refers to the stateful context-sensitive analysis over event streams needed to capture metrics of interest, in contrast to simple aggregations. Multidimensional refers to the need to run ad hoc queries to drill down into subpopulations of interest. Furthermore, we need both real-time streaming and offline retrospective analysis capabilities. In this talk, we will share our experiences to explain why state-of-art systems offer poor abstractions to tackle such workloads and why they suffer from poor cost-performance tradeoffs and significant complexity. We will also describe Conviva&#;s architectural and algorithmic efforts to tackle these challenges. We present early evidence on how raising the level of abstraction can reduce developer effort, bugs, and cloud costs by (up to) an order of magnitude, and offer a unified framework to support both streaming and retrospective analysis. We will also discuss how our ideas can be plugged into existing pipelines and how our new ``visual'' abstraction can democratize analytics across many domains and to non-programmers.

Guide For The Use of Silica Fume in Concrete: ACI 234R-06

If you want to learn more, please visit our website 94% Densified Silica Fume.