
24 Jun.,2024



Chemical compound

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1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane, also called heptafluoropropane, HFC-227ea (ISO name), HFC-227 or FM-200, as well as apaflurane (INN), is a colourless, odourless gaseous halocarbon commonly used as a gaseous fire suppression agent.





Its chemical formula is CF3-CHF-CF3, or C3HF7. With a boiling point of &#;16.4 °C, it is a gas at room temperature. It is slightly soluble in water (260 mg/L).





HFC-227ea is used in fire suppression systems that protect data processing and telecommunication facilities, and in fire suppression of many flammable liquids and gases. HFC-227ea is categorized as a Clean Agent and is governed by NFPA - Standard for Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems. Effective fire suppression requires introducing a concentration of the HFC-227ea agent between 6.25% and 9% depending on the hazard being suppressed. Its NOAEL for cardiac sensitization is 9%. The United States Environmental Protection Agency allows concentration of 9% volume in occupied spaces without mandated egress time, or up to 10.5% for a limited time. Most fire suppression systems are designed to provide concentration of 6.25-9%.

The HFC-227ea fire suppression agent was the first non-ozone-depleting replacement for Halon .[citation needed] In addition, HFC-227ea leaves no residue on valuable equipment after discharge.[2]

HFC-227ea contains no chlorine or bromine atoms, presenting no ozone depletion effect. Its atmospheric lifetime is approximated between 31 and 42 years. It leaves no residue or oily deposits and can be removed by ventilation of the affected space.

As an aerosol propellant, HFC-227ea is used in pharmaceutical metered dose inhalers such as those used for dispensing asthma medication.





At high temperatures, heptafluoropropane will decompose and produce hydrogen fluoride. The decomposition produces a sharp, pungent odour, which can be perceived in concentrations far below a dangerous level. Other decomposition products include carbonyl fluoride, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Prior to re-entry of a room where HFC-227ea system has been activated to suppress a fire, the atmosphere should be tested. An Acid Scavenging Additive added to heptafluoropropane reduces the amount of hydrogen fluoride. Contact with liquid HFC-227ea may cause frostbite.

Climate change considerations


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Heptafluoropropane (HFC-227ea) contributes to climate change. It has a global warming potential (GWP) of 3,220 over 100 years.[3]

Due to its high GWP, the HFC-227ea has been included in the list of controlled substances of the Montreal Protocol ( Kigali amendment, in effect in January ).[4] Under EU regulations, production, imports and sales of HFC-227ea in spray cans such as freeze sprays or dusters have been prohibited since , as the GWP is over the limit of 150 for these applications.[5][6][7]

Tradenames for HFC-227ea used as fire suppression agent




See also




Other fire suppression agents:





MSIB 06-22: FM-200 fire extinguishing agent phasedown

The Coast Guard Office of Design and Engineering Standards has released MSIB 06-22 to inform Coast Guard Officers in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI) and the maritime industry that FM-200 (also known as HFC-227ea or heptafluoropropane), a fire extinguishing agent, is being phased down in production as part of the recent Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule1 to reduce the production of greenhouse gases leading to global warming. FM-200 is used in fire extinguishing systems for machinery spaces and cargo spaces on uninspected vessels, commercial vessels, and public vessels. This rule does not prohibit the use of FM-200 to extinguish fire and vessel operators should not hesitate to use their existing fire extinguishing systems in case of a fire.

FM-200 is one of the hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) being regulated by the EPA under the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act. The EPA rule requires that the net U.S. production of HFCs be reduced to 15% of the baseline levels in a stepwise manner over the course of 15 years (- ).2 The overall reduction in the net production of HFCs will result in a reduction of FM-200 availability. Over time, this could lead to a supply shortage for new FM-200 system installations and for charging existing systems following a system discharge and/or routine maintenance. The supply shortage may cause an increase in materials and maintenance cost, and could lead to systems being unserviceable or delays in completing maintenance. Vessels that have an inoperable fire suppression system are likely to receive a deficiency or be issued a do-not-sail order.

There exist alternative suppression technologies which are not being phased down as part of the EPA rule. These systems include, but are not limited to, clean agent NOVEC (FK-5-1-12), carbon dioxide, inert gas (Inergen), water spray and water mist systems. These extinguishing agents are type approved by the Coast Guard for the protection of machinery spaces and other spaces with flammable liquid hazards and should be considered as alternatives to FM-200 for new installations or for retrofit purposes to avoid the potential FM-200 supply shortage.

For existing vessel FM-200 systems, these alternative suppression systems may not readily be a one-to-one replacement. The modified system could possibly require more agent, or require a system redesign, retrofitting, or complete replacement to protect the same space. A complete system plan review and flow calculation will be required to verify that the modified systems provide an equivalent level of safety. Modification requests of these type approved systems and systems aboard USCG certificated vessels should be submitted to the appropriate USCG office for review prior to modification/installation.

Vessel owners should not hesitate to use their existing FM-200 fire suppression systems in case of emergency as the safety of the vessel, its crew, passengers, and waterway is paramount. Where maintenance and upkeep of the FM-200 system can be planned, such as hydrostatic testing of cylinders, they should be scheduled far in advance to ensure replacement FM-200 cylinders are available. Inspectors are encouraged to raise awareness to vessel owners of the EPA rule and phasedown of FM-200.

Questions concerning this notice may be forwarded to Coast Guard Office of Design and Engineering Standards at .

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