Health Benefits of Black Currant

02 Jul.,2024


Health Benefits of Black Currant

Black currants (Ribes nigrum) have an interesting history in the United States. While they&#;ve been a popular snack in Europe for centuries, these purple-black berries were illegal in the states until recently. Now, they&#;re making a comeback.

For more information, please visit black currant substitute.

Black currants are native to the more temperate areas of Northern Europe and Northern Asia. Written records of their use date back to the s. While they once grew in the US, they were banned in the early s after they were discovered to host a fungus that killed white pine trees. The ban stayed on the books in most states for years, and the berry remains uncommon in the U.S.

Black currants have a strong flavor that many say is an acquired taste. Though they usually have a tart flavor, they become sweet when ripe. They&#;re also filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all of which provide major health benefits.

How Black Currant Seed Oil Benefits Health?

Black currant, also called Ribes nigrum is a nutritious berry that benefits health by preventing cardiovascular diseases and cancer. It is effective against inflammation and can be taken through oral supplements &#; oil or capsules. Substitute black currant fruit syrup or currant leaves if you don&#;t have black currant oil.  


  • Black currant oil benefits organ health and improves sexual functioning.

  • Anti-aging properties of currant protect skin from aging. 

  • Black currant extract reduces skin conditions and promotes healthy skin. 

How black currant seed oil benefits human body?

Black currant, also known as Cassis is an edible vitamin-C-enriched berry. Due to its refreshing aroma, currant is used in spices, foods, or oils to promote overall well-being. It benefits human health in multiple ways, some of which include: 

1. Is black currant good for your skin?

Currant is used in skin care products to promote skin health. It contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) which alleviates the symptoms of skin conditions &#; scleroderma, eczema, and psoriasis. Its anti-oxidant properties protect against skin damage caused by ultraviolet radiation. That&#;s why currant extract is often used in sunscreen products. If you&#;re experiencing skin problems, apply currant extract to the affected area daily before going to bed.

2. Is black currant good for inflammation?

Nigrum extract is rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which help alleviate inflammation in the body. When inflammation is reduced, the immune system becomes stronger, which helps fight off diseases. It also inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory molecules and oxidative stress &#; both are known for damaging healthy cells in the body. 

Use currant extract to decrease body inflammation from different medical conditions &#; rheumatoid arthritis and liver disease. Add currant extract to your diet or massage the inflamed body part with it.

3. Is black currant oil good for immunity?

Vitamin C, antioxidants, and anthocyanins in currant provide antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antitoxic, antiseptic, and anticancer properties. All these therapeutic properties boost immunity and help reduce the symptoms of sore throat and flu. A study published in showed that those using currant extract regularly have a stronger immune system than those who don&#;t. Therefore, start taking currant extract to boost your immunity.

4. Is black currant good for digestion?

Research published in claims that black currant benefits gastrointestinal disorders &#;  gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or irritable bowel syndrome. It contains soluble and insoluble fiber, which prevents constipation and aids the gut in nutrient absorption.  

Currant helps prevent toxins buildup in the colon, reducing the risks of developing colon cancer. If you experience gastrointestinal issues, take black currant supplements after breakfast or dinner daily.

5. Does black currant oil maintain cardiovascular health?

Black currant contains essential compounds &#; anthocyanins and polyphenols that help to keep blood pressure levels normal. Currant also increases the levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) or good cholesterol, while reducing low-density lipoproteins (LDL), or bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol improves cardiovascular health by reducing the risk of developing medical conditions &#; atherosclerosis or heart disease. 

However, if you are undergoing cardiovascular issues, it is highly recommended to consult a cardiologist before adding currant extract to your diet. 

6. Is blackcurrant good for the eyes? 

Glaucoma is an eye disease that damages the optic nerve, causing vision loss. Research claims that anthocyanin in black cassis seed increases the blood flow to the eyes, reducing the progression of glaucoma.

The gamma-linoleic acid, linoleic acid, and essential antioxidants in currant improve dry eye symptoms and reduce eye fatigue. However, if you are undergoing the symptoms of glaucoma, black currant extract is not a substitute treatment. It&#;s better to get an immediate consultation from an ophthalmologist.

Also read: Home remedies for dry eyes: How to hydrate eyes naturally?

7. Does black currant seed oil improves brain function?

The alpha-linolenic acid and gamma-linolenic acid in currant seed improve the production of neurotransmitters &#; dopamine and serotonin, both of which improve mood, memory, and learning. These compounds also alleviate brain inflammation, which reduces the risks of cognitive declines and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer&#;s and Parkinson&#;s disease.

Currant extract increases oxygen supply and blood flow to the brain, which promotes normal functioning of the brain. It also prevents oxidative stress, reducing the risks of brain damage. Researchers claim that black currant supports brain development and reduces developmental disorders in infants and young children. It also alleviates the symptoms of age-related cognitive decline, such as brain fog and forgetfulness.

Also Read: How to Increase Brain Power? 10 Amazing Ways!

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8. Is black currant seed oil good for spinal health?

Black currant contains Vitamin E and anthocyanin, which protects the spinal cord from free radical damage. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in currant promote the formation of the cell membrane in the spinal cord. It also helps alleviate pain associated with spinal conditions &#; herniated discs, sciatica, and spinal stenosis. Massaging black seed oil help relieve spinal muscle cramps.

9. Is black currant seed oil good for menopause?

Gamma-linolenic acid in Ribes nigrum balances hormones and alleviates menopausal symptoms &#; hot flashes, sleep disturbance, and mood swings. Menopausal skin changes can be restored by massaging black seed oil. Breast tenderness and pain during menopause can be reduced with currant supplements.

Oral intake of currant supplements also regulates metabolism and reduces cravings, preventing menopausal weight gain, Women experiencing menopausal symptoms should take black seed oil supplements twice daily.

10. Does currant oil support hair and nail growth?

Nutritional deficiency may cause hair thinning or loss. Black currant extract provides essential nutrients &#; biotin and vitamin E, which promote healthy hair growth. It also strengthens brittle, weak, and dry nails, improving nail growth. The application of currant seed oil on nails before bedtime can help improve nail health.

11. Does currant oil provide anti-aging effects?

Currant extract locks skin moisture and reduces oxidative stress, which helps reduce the signs of aging &#; wrinkles and fine lines. It increases cellular growth, promoting healthy aging. By increasing collagen production, black currant benefits saggy skin symptoms and promotes elasticity.

Also read: Tea Tree Oil Uses &#; Is Tea Tree Oil Good For Skin?

12. How black currant seed oil benefits sexual health?

Black currant improves blood flow to the reproductive organs, which increases libido and fertility in both men and women. It improves vaginal dryness and discomfort during sexual intercourse. It also reduces menstrual pain, improving sexual function. In men, it eases the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. 

Also read: 5 Garlic Benefits for Sexually Active and Healthy

13. Is currants good for cancer patients?

Antioxidant properties of black currant seed oil benefits healthy cells by protecting against free radical damage, which reduces the risks of developing chronic health conditions like tumor or cancer. Research claim that black currant inhibits the growth of cancer cells. However, if you are experiencing tumor growth symptoms in the body &#; unwanted pain, swelling, bowel changes, fatigue, unexplained weight loss, fever, or skin changes, it is important to consult an oncologist at your possible earliest.

14. How currant oil promote overall well-being?

Black currant provides important nutrients, including protein, iron, calcium magnesium, vitamins, and, potassium, which give energy, reduce fatigue, and promote overall well-being.

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How to Use Currant Seed Oil?

You may orally consume currant capsules or take soft gels as a dietary supplement.  Use black seed oil in cooking or baking as a nutritious alternative to other cooking oils. Apply it directly to your body to alleviate pain, inflammatory symptoms, and skin conditions. Whatever form you use, store your black seed oil in cool, dry conditions and protect it from light to prevent oxidation. 


The recommended current oil dosage is 250 mg capsules once or twice daily. If you are taking black currant fruit syrup, the recommended dosage is 5-10 ml per day. You can also take 1-2 teaspoons of black currant leaves twice or thrice daily. Currant extract capsules, fruit syrup, and leaves provide the same benefits as black seed oil.

If you have any medical condition, consult a nutritionist before incorporating currant extract into your diet to minimize any negative health effects. 

Concluding Thoughts

People who take anticoagulants must avoid black currant oil as it can slow down the process of blood clotting, increasing the risk of bleeding or bruising. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should only take currant extract after consulting a gynecologist.


1. What are the side effects of black currant oil?

Black currant oil may cause headaches, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, hives, difficulty breathing, hypotension, or bleeding in people with bleeding disorders.

2. Is it ok to apply black currant seed extract directly on the face?

The application of currant oil on the face is absolutely ok, especially if you have eczema, acne, or psoriasis. It can be used for skin cleansing.

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