HydraFacial vs. JetFusion

13 May.,2024


HydraFacial vs. JetFusion

Which Facial Treatment is for you?

Has your skin looked a little dull lately, lacking its usual brightness and luster? Maybe you’re starting to get the dreaded “maskne” or some new fine lines because, well, it’s been a year.

The company is the world’s best jet peel spa equipment hydrafacial machine supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.

Standard spa facials barely touch the surface of most skin issues, which is why we offer two specialty skin treatments at Dermatology & Laser of Alabama: HydraFacial & JetFusion. Both will deep-clean, exfoliate, and renew your skin to get it glowing again!

Read on to discover which facial treatment which one is right for you.


What is HydraFacial?

The HydraFacial is often referred to as “the lunchtime facial,” because you’ll need absolutely no downtime after receiving one. It helps with most skin concerns, including oiliness, fine lines, loss of elasticity, hyperpigmentation, large pores, and uneven skin tone.

Although it’s quick, the HydraFacial packs a punch: its patented technology (a small suction-like device) combines multiple steps in one appointment.

These treatment steps will have you showing off fresh, dewy skin in no time:

  • Cleanse: The HydraFacial tip “vacuums” dead skin cells, oil, and dirt out of your pores. Glycolic and salicylic acids draw out dirt from the deeper layers of the skin, leaving your skin super clean.
  • Extract: This is where we amp up the suction to help clear up any remaining impurities in your skin, which is particularly helpful after your skin’s pores have opened up from the glycolic acid peel.
  • Replenish: After being deep-cleaned, your skin will be pampered with essential moisturizing serums that contain antioxidants and peptides to leave it refreshed and hydrated.

What is JetFusion?

The JetFusion is the newest facial offered at Dermatology & Laser of Alabama. We are proud to offer this breakthrough technology in Birmingham!

So, how is it different? Unlike the suctioning device used in the HydraFacial, the JetFusion facial employs what is referred to as a “pressure wash for your face.”

It uses dermal infusion technology (in the form of a small wand) to generate “microdroplets” of 100% natural serums that gently exfoliate deep into your skin to help reduce discoloration, smooth fine lines & wrinkles, and improve texture.

Like the HydraFacial, the JetFusion facial has several treatments in one:

  • Lymphatic Drainage: The first step thoroughly cleanses pores with a supersonic jet stream, boosting circulation with lymphatic drainage to reduce inflammation & puffiness.
  • Jet Cleansing & Exfoliation: A gentle glycolic solution renews the skin & clears pores without irritation.
  • Jet Infusion: This final, essential step is where we restore hydration with the infusion of targeted serums.

After your JetFusion treatment, your skin will look hydrated, brighter, and bouncier. All this with no downtime!

If you want to take it to the next level, JetFusion gives you the option to add additional serums to address your skin’s specific needs such as Vitamin C, ATX-Nat, Growth Factors, and a CBD infusion.


Is HydraFacial or JetFusion better for me?

We often get asked which of these options is the best facial that Birmingham has to offer, and the truth is – both are fantastic! Both treatments can be fully customized with booster serum enhancements with targeted ingredients. You can’t go wrong with either, but here’s a quick way to figure out which one to try first:

If you have more specific skin concerns, or multiple skin concerns (such as acne AND fine lines & wrinkles), the JetFusion is easier to customize to your needs.

The HydraFacial benefits are wonderful for anyone, even if you don’t have a specific skin concern and just need a little brightening in your life. It’s also a slightly faster treatment if you’re short on time.

Some patients prefer one over the other, and some like both, depending on what their skin needs most at any given time. Our team of certified aestheticians is also happy to recommend which service would be best at your first appointment.


Get me that glowing, happy skin!

We can’t wait to get your skin happy & healthy! Schedule your next facial appointment online now, or give our front office team a call at (205) 870-3303 with any questions.

Which facial treatment to choose? Hydrafacial Vs. ...

Why do we need a facial?

We all want to have glamorous skin. But what determines a great skin? An even skin tone, the regular skin texture, well-hydrated complexion, no noticeable pores, no marks, no spots…

Did you know our skin constantly renews itself.

The new skin cells are made on the lower layers of the epidermis. Within 4 weeks, these new skin cells move to the surface of the skin. And old skin constantly sheds itself to leave the top layer to the fresh new skin cells.

However, by the time we age, the skin renewal gets slower. Our diet and daily habits also affect the skin renewal process. For example smoking, alcohol, nutrition-poor diet, and not getting enough sleep slow down the metabolism and the cell turnover.

Facial treatments clean, exfoliate, tone, nourish and hydrate the skin. And they provide the extra help that your skin needs to renew, glow and remain healthy.

There are many facials treatment options, but not every facial is for everyone. Some facials are very harsh on the skin and not suitable for some skin types; such as some chemical peels or some dermabrasion treatments. But there are also other facial treatments which are suitable for all skin types such as Hydrafacial.

Hydrafacial is a world recognised skin treatment which clears, exfoliates and hydrates your skin without the downtime and side effects.

On this article, we will compare the Hydrafacial treatment with other chemical facial treatments. If you are looking to have a facial but don’t know what is the best option for you, this guide may help you.

What is a facial?

A facial is the basic skin treatment which helps skin to clear and regenerate by cleaning, exfoliating and hydrating. The main effect of a facial is the peeling. This is when the top layer of the skin is exfoliated by (mostly) chemical ingredients. It creates controlled damage on the skin and promotes the body’s natural healing response.

When we say facial, we use it as an umbrella term for skincare treatments that rejuvenates, renews, and helps with many skin conditions. And chemical peels are the most common form of the facial.

Hydrafacial vs regular facial

In the olden days, doctors used to look at one’s skin and determine their health condition.

Today we also know we can use our skin like a map to our health. From the touch of your skin, you can understand if your body is hydrated or not. From where acne occurs on your face, you can determine some health conditions.  But today with the help of modern science and dermatology, we have a better health system to care ourselves and secret weapons to perfect our skin.

As living organisms, our bodies regenerate every day. As a daily work. Then why don’t we always look like in our 20s if our bodies keep renewing itself? Because the regeneration always starts from the most needed area.

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The full renewal of your skin takes years. And during this time we get exposed to many internal and external elements which are affecting our skin negatively. Such as stress, bad eating habits, drinking and smoking etc.

Have you ever wondered how do you keep the same wrinkles for years around your eyes or mouth, but when you cut your skin by mistake, it fixes itself perfectly in a week or two?

It is because the body always gives priority and its primary attention to the wounds. Which is the survival instinct.

Most of the facial treatments, create small wounds to the skin to promote the renewal process. These wounds are usually so small to see or for any negative effect. But your body feels the need to work on the wound and regenerates the skin on the area. It treats the controlled damage on your skin as a wound. And wakes up the healing organisms on the area. Once the skin is renewed, it looks much younger and smoother than before.

How do chemical peels work?

Chemical peels strip off the top layer of the skin. While your body is already working on the skin renewal, now it starts doing the cell turnover much faster to make sure the skin can continue its duty of protection. The chemical peels leave your skin thinner than before. So your skin is encouraged to generate more fresh skin cells within the natural process.

There are 3 types of chemical peels, which are separated by their power and intensity.

  • Superficial peels; only work on the very top layer of the skin. They are applied and left only for a few minutes. Regular application is needed. There is usually little to no downtime. Very mild results.
  • Medium peels are stronger than superficial peels. They penetrate the top and mid-layer of the skin. The treatment needs to be repeated in every couple of months (depending on the skin type and condition). The downtime is usually a few days as the controlled damage is higher than superficial peels and it takes longer time to heal.
  • Deep peels are the strongest peels. As they affect the deep layer of the skin, a topical anaesthetic cream is usually required. Mostly preferred for severe skin conditions or pigmentation. Swelling and redness can last up to a couple of weeks. It has long-lasting effects so usually not need to be repeated.

Is Hydrafacial different than a regular facial?

Hydrafacial is much more than just a facial. It still gives your skin the peeling effect as it exfoliates your skin and promotes the cell turnover, but it also clears the pores, hydrates and much more.

If we were to compare hydrafacial with chemical peels in terms of its peeling effect; we could place it between superficial and medium peels. 

As HydraFacial clears the skin and pores, it is much deeper than any artificial and some medium peels. But unlike chemical peels, it doesn’t have any downtime. As there is no deep damage applied to the skin. It only clears up the dead skin cells on the top layer of the skin – like a superficial peel. And also clears the pores off – which is actually deeper than more medium chemical peel- but without the damaging effect.

Is hydrafacial a chemical peel?

At the process, Hydrafacial treatment uses some chemical ingredients. Which can cause for it to be confused as a chemical peel. But, Hydrafacial is not a chemical peel.

Firstly, unlike chemical peels, Hydrafacial is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment. Hydrafacial and chemical peels both exfoliate your skin but unlike chemical peels, Hydrafacial doesn’t cause any skin damage. Plus it gives Hydrating benefit which cannot be gained from chemical peels.

Is Hydrafacial better than regular facial?

Which facial treatment you may need depends on your skin type, skin conditions and skin goals. Hydrafacial is great for subtle changes on your skin.

Hydrafacial is one of our most popular treatments which is suitable for all skin types and most skin conditions. 

Our clients prefer Hydrafacial for a deep cleanse, refreshed and youthful look. The treatment is highly effective on

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Anti-ageing
  • Sun damage
  • Under-eye puffiness
  • Wrinkles
  • Acne
  • Skin refinement
  • Enlarged pores
  • Oily + congested skin
  • Skin vibrancy

and much more.

If you are looking for a regular skin purifying without any downtime and side effects, then Hydrafacial may be the best option for you. It doesn’t only clears your skin but also hydrates, balances and calms it. And most importantly -unlike most other facials- with the led therapy at the end of the 6 step procedure, Hydrafacial leaves your skin more defending to acne and blemishes.

However, if you are suffering from severe pigmentation or acne scars, we would recommend a stronger facial, which should always be decided after your consultation with skin experts.

What chemicals used in hydrafacial vs chemical peels

On Hydrafacial exfoliation, acids such as glycolic and salicylic are used.

Glycolic acid is a mild ingredient used in many skin care products. It is found in some sugar crops and is water-soluble – which helps your skin to benefit from the Hydrafacial treatment. It removes the very outer layer of dead skin without causing any damage. Leaves you with refreshed and brighter skin.

Salicylic acid is a type of beta-hydroxy acid, with antibacterial properties. It is widely used on many skincare products. Salicylic acid dissolves the debris and fragments collected in the skin pores (Which mainly causes the acne other skin imperfections). Once the dirt on the skin is dissolved by the salicylic acid, the hydra vacuum can then clean inside the pores.

The main ingredients of the chemical peels differ. Some chemical peels use fruit acids like citric acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, malic acid and tartaric acid. And some chemical peels use alpha-hydroxy acids.

The main difference between the Hydrafacial and chemical peels is usually; while chemical peels use acids to work on and peel off the top layer of the skin with strong ingredients, Hydrafacial uses specific acids that will work on the dirt, sebum and the dead skin cells with rather milder elements.

hydrafacial vs chemical peel for acne

Acne forms from the bacteria accumulation on the pores. The bacteria mixes with the dirt, dust and the pollution as well as the excess sebum oil on the skin and clogs the pores on the skin. There are different types of acne formation such as blackheads, whiteheads, pustules etc. the main difference between the acne types is the form of the pus created by the bacteria, dirt and sebum.

Some acne types can be easily cleared off by hydrafacial. Such as blackheads and whiteheads. The hydra suction clears off the pores while exfoliating the top layer of your skin and leaves you with a clean and refreshed look.

On the other hand, some acne formations such as nodules, cannot be treated with Hydrafacial. These acne types are formed on the middle layer of the skin and usually don’t open to the surface with the pores. Hence, Hydrafacial cannot reach them.

Some chemical peels are great at clearing skin and stripping off. And they can be used to treat many acne formations. However many of them would be insufficient to clear some forms of acne as well; such as nodules and cysts.

If you are unsure of which skin treatment is the most suitable for your acne condition, you can further read our guide. 

how long does hydrafacial vs chemical peel last

The glowing and hydrating effects of Hydrafacial usually last 5-7 days and depending on your skin type; often longer. We usually recommend the repeat treatment in every 4-6 weeks to give your skin a deep cleansing and glow. However, this depends on your skin type, condition and lifestyle.

With chemical peels, the results depend on the type of the peel. The peeling time and the optimum results usually depend on the strength of the chemical peel.

  • Superficial peels; It is usually little to no downtime. You can repeat the treatment every 4-6 weeks.
  • Medium peels; may take a few days to fully peel and they are usually recommended to have in every 6 months.
  • Deep peels; on the other hand, may take 1-2 weeks to peel completely. But depending on your skin condition, the repeat of the treatment is not usually necessary.

How much hydrafacial vs chemical peel cost

The price of Hydrafacial treatment depends on the steps and what it includes. At some London clinics, you can have Hydrafacial treatments for cheaper but they will be the shorter treatments which don’t include all steps. At Premier Laser and Skin clinics we offer 6 steps HydraFacial which is the optimum HydraFacial treatment with prices starting from 126. We also have special offers on skincare treatments you can benefit from.

Prices of chemical peels depending on the treatment. They differ from 80 to 950.

Combining skin treatments

Every skin has different needs and a different threshold. Hence there is no one size fits all approach when it comes to skincare. Your skin can benefit from combining different skin care treatments. But you should always speak to a skin professional before taking any steps.

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