Non-Ionic Surfactant - Pond Boss Forum

13 May.,2024


Non-Ionic Surfactant - Pond Boss Forum

Don't be too impressed. It's my business, as is fisheries management to you.

Regarding surfactant brands, I have my own biased opinions since I'm very familiar with the components within our proprietary aquatic formulation [AQUA-KING]. However, there are other good surfactants available; many mediocre ones, and numerous brands that are not much better than dish soap [in my opinion].

A product's mfgr, its price and the MSDS may be your best guides. Stick with a mfgr or supplier that you trust; avoid "the cheapest price" like the plague and check for the product's flash-point (low flash-point temps tend to indicate high levels of isopropyl alcohol - a cheap filler-component that the mfgr can include as part of the advertised "active-ingredient".

I wrote a recently published piece about aquatic surfactants if you're really interested (can be emailed). But, you'd better brew up a stout pot of coffee before you read it.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Nonionic Surfactant Bespoke.

For more information, please visit Effectiveness of Calcium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate in Cleaning Agents.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Nonionic Surface Active Agent.