The History of Dermal Fillers

13 May.,2024


The History of Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers have been a popular cosmetic procedure for many years. The use of fillers can help smooth out wrinkles, add volume to the face, and improve the overall appearance of the skin. However, the history of dermal fillers is a relatively new one.

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The first dermal filler was introduced in the 1890s by German surgeon Franz Neuber. He used autologous fat to fill in facial defects in his patients. This was the first time that a substance other than a patient's own tissue was used for cosmetic purposes.

Over the years, other materials were also used as fillers. For example, in the 1950s, silicone was used as a filler in breast augmentation procedures. However, this material was later found to be unsafe and caused many complications.

In the 1980s, bovine collagen was introduced as a filler. This was a significant advancement in the field of dermal fillers, as it was a safe and effective way to add volume to the skin. However, bovine collagen was later found to cause allergic reactions in some patients.

In the 1990s, hyaluronic acid fillers were introduced. This was a game-changer for the industry, as hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally found in the body. This meant that there were fewer side effects and complications associated with the use of these fillers. Hyaluronic acid fillers are still widely used today and are considered to be one of the safest and most effective types of dermal fillers.

In recent years, new materials and techniques have been developed for dermal fillers. For example, some fillers now contain lidocaine, which helps to reduce pain and discomfort during the procedure. There are also different types of fillers that are designed for specific areas of the face, such as the lips or cheeks.

Overall, the history of dermal fillers has been one of innovation and advancement. As technology continues to improve, it is likely that we will see even more developments in this field in the future.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Dermal Fillers Manufacturers.

The History of Dermal Fillers - Dr. Branman

The History of Dermal Fillers

In case you’re wondering about how dermal fillers, such as Juvéderm® and Restylane®, came into existence, here is a brief history of the use and advancement of dermal fillers. It all started with fat transplants! And yes, we still do this today. Back in 1893 a Dr. Neuber was the very first doctor to attempt transplanting fat in order to fill out facial defects. Neuber would take fat from the arms to use. However, by the mid 20th century, yep you guessed it, silicone started to be investigated. Silicone was used from the 40s through the 50s, but patients would developed granulomas, small nodules of the foreign substance. This was definitely undesirable, and potentially dangerous therefore silicone was banned until 1992, until a safer form was developed.

By the 1970s, various animal collagens had been researched enough to use on humans. Collagen injections and implants were introduced. The trade names for cow derived collagen were Zyderm and Zyplast, to name a couple. The FDA first approved Zyderm, which was developed at Stanford University. But then at the beginning of this century,newer non-bovine collagen fillers were being developed, too. Meanwhile, Hyaluronic Acid fillers were being experimented with around the world. These were studied and compared to second generation non-bovine collagen in order to find which was more effective and safer. Later still, in 2006, a new family of next-generation hyaluronic acid fillers was approved by the FDA. The first one approved was Restylane®. Ultimately the synthetic fillers won out. Consequently, cosmetic surgeons now have an array of dermal fillers to choose from.

Dermal fillers each have their place, use, and various patients have better results with different fillers. It is important to consult with your board certified cosmetic surgeon to see which is the right one for the cosmetic procedure you want, and which is best for you personally. A variety of dermal fillers are available at Little Rock Cosmetic Surgery Center, from Juvéderm® to Restylane® to Sculptra, we want the best for you.

Dr. Branman

Call Melinda to set up your consultation at 501-227-0707

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