Exploring alternatives to plastic mulch

13 May.,2024


Exploring alternatives to plastic mulch

 Author: Natalie Hoidal, UMN Extension Educator, local foods and vegetable crops

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As our farmer to farmer soil health for vegetables series has unfolded, plastic mulch has come up in every conversation. There are so many benefits to using it, including moisture retention, weed control, and soil warming, but the environmental impact is hard to ignore. It's estimated that in the US alone, farmers use around 1 billion pounds of plastic annually. In this article, I'll review some alternatives and share up-to-date research and grower feedback. 

Our final farmer to farmer soil health gathering is Wednesday January 20th at 7pm. We'll feature Rodrigo Cala of Cala Farm, who has been experimenting with cover crops for years. He'll discuss his efforts to integrate sheep for terminating cover crops, as well as his efforts with summer cover crops and species mixtures. Sign up at z.umn.edu/soilhealthchats. 

Plastic is a mainstay on most vegetable farms,
but farmers are working hard to find good alternatives.
Photo NH 

Alternative plastic mulch-like products

1. Biodegradable plastic mulch

If a grower wanted to swap black plastic mulch with something nearly identical, but more environmentally friendly, biodegradable plastic mulch may be the best option. These plastics perform similarly to regular plastic mulch, but rather than removing your mulch at the end of the season, it's tilled into the soil where it decomposes. 

Many growers have questions about the soil health impacts of biodegradable mulches. Unfortunately at this point, the research is fairly unclear. Some studies show impacts to soil microbial communities, and others do not. There is also substantial variation between products. Overall, biodegradable mulch impacts the soil in two ways. 1. Just like regular plastic mulch, covering the soil surface with a relatively impermeable black plastic changes the dynamics of the soil underneath by reducing light infiltration, increasing heat, and reducing water infiltration, evaporation, and gas exchange. All of these changes impact microbial communities, root development, and nitrogen use efficiency. Impacts vary depending on the soil conditions and climate in which mulches are used. In cool climates, plastic mulches may increase microbial activity by warming the soil, whereas in warm climates, mulches may warm the soil beyond the optimal temperature range for many microbes. In general, the use of plastic mulches increases nitrogen use efficiency (Bandopadhyay et al., 2018). 2. Following incorporation, biodegradable mulches add carbon, microorganisms, and other materials such as adherent chemicals and dyes. While the breakdown products of biodegradable mulches are generally considered non-toxic, there is limited research on the long-term effects of using these materials. 

Since no current models of biodegradable mulch meet the criteria of the national organic program, these mulches can only be used in organic fields if they are removed at the end of the season. 

One of the main reasons growers have not quickly adopted the use of biodegradable mulch is that it can look quite messy when it begins to degrade, and pieces can stick to produce, especially produce that touches the ground such as melons. For growers who have customers on-site, the small pieces of black plastic scattered around the farm may be considered unsightly. 

It is worth noting that some initial research suggests that after tilling biomulch into the soil, the decomposition process may tie up nitrogen in the soil for a period of weeks. As such, it is likely advisable to avoid planting a second crop immediately after tilling your mulch under (just like you would wait a few weeks to plant after you've terminated a cover crop). 

Penn State Extension educators published a series of case studies with grower reviews and tips for using biodegradable plastic mulch. 

There are a wide array of biodegradable mulches on the market, 
and all perform a bit differently. Researchers in multiple states are actively
trialing biomulches to compare their efficacy and assess soil impacts. 
Image from the Wortman research lab in Nebraska. 

2. Paper mulch

Paper mulches are made of cellulose-based materials, whereas other biomulches tend to be made of vegetable starches and polymers. Paper mulches can be applied using the same methods (i.e. mulch layers), but there are some reports that the edges are more likely to tear during application if the disks are not set up at the right angle. Some researchers have opted to install paper mulch by hand due to the degree of tearing. Others recommend re-burying the edges at least once or twice during the season, as loose edges can catch in the wind or on equipment and tear. Paper mulches also tend to develop more tears and holes throughout the season than standard plastic mulch. There seem to be fewer studies on paper mulch than on other biodegradable mulches, but many show that it keeps soil consistently cooler than plastic mulch. This is likely in part due to the lighter color of plastic mulches, which tend to be tan to brown, but there are newer black paper mulches entering the market. As such, if you're considering trying paper mulch, try it first on cooler season crops. 

I personally do not know of any MN farmers who use paper mulch - if you use it, I'd love to hear your thoughts about it. I plan to use some this summer to get a better feel for it. 

Paper mulch. Image: Johnnys

3. Developments in new technologies

Researchers in Morris have been working with AURI to develop a bio-based spray-on mulch made from agricultural residues. They are still refining and testing the product, but it's something to look forward to in the years to come. 

Organic mulches

1. Straw

Straw is one of the most universally-used organic mulches, and for good reason. It achieves many of the same benefits as plastic mulch: weed suppression, reducing fertilizer leaching, and moisture retention. It also helps to reduce the incidence of splash-dispersed pathogens, and initial research shows that it can help to reduce Alternaria pressure in Brassicas. Straw mulch has also been cited as an Integrated Pest Management strategy for some pests including onion thrips and potato beetles, because it can interfere with pupation, and can support communities of beneficial insects. 

Straw does keep the soil cool, which for some crops, can have negative yield impacts (but for cool season crops is ideal). Fields mulched with straw can also cause problems in squash and pumpkins if a fall frost occurs; we tend to see more damage in straw mulched plots than bare soil. 

Make sure to purchase high quality, weed free straw, or you may end up with more weeds than you started with. Many growers prefer to run at least one cultivation pass before mulching to eliminate the first flush of weeds before laying the straw. 

Sprouting hay bale / a reminder to purchase
weed free, high quality straw. Photo NH

2. Strip tilling or direct seeding into a rolled cover crop 

I'm seeing more and more vegetable growers experimenting with strip tilling, or direct planting into a field of rolled winter rye. There's still a lot to figure out in these systems, but they are promising for a few main reasons. 1. Rather than importing straw and spreading it, you're essentially creating straw in place with a cover crop. 2. With this system, you're also able to keep living roots in the soil over the winter. Dr. Ajay Nair's team is leading a lot of this research in Iowa, and you can read more about some of their trials here. In Minnesota, rolling and crimping a winter cereal often does not successfully terminate it. If conditions are too wet, rolling and crimping may not be sufficient to break the stems, and instead may simply push them over. Some growers who use this system first terminate their cover crop with an herbicide. Others use a mower to cut it down right before the cover crop flowers. There are pumpkin growers who direct seed into mowed or rolled rye - this works best for larger seeded crops. For smaller seeded crops, strip tillage, the practice of tilling the strips where you want to plant and leaving the rows in between untilled, is a good compromise. Read more about strip till trials from Dr. Nair's lab in the link above. Keep in mind that soil covered in straw does not get as warm as soils covered in plastic; using row cover early in the year can help offset the cooler temperatures. 

Farmers seeding pumpkins into a 
terminated rye cover crop. In this case there was limited
rye establishment, so the weed control benefit was limited
Photo: Annie Klodd

3. Deep compost mulch

Deep compost mulching is simply the practice of adding a thick layer weed-free compost on top of your soil, essentially burying weed seeds. Depending on how much compost you're able to generate on-site, this system can be prohibitively expensive. This can work well for farmers who connect with local schools, hospitals, or other institutions who compost large quantities of food-waste. Keep in mind that it is possible to add too much compost, especially if it is high in phosphorous. Test your soil regularly to make sure you're not over-applying certain nutrients. 

4. Woodchips 

Woodchips are an excellent source of organic matter, but they should only be used in rows. Wood chips are best suited to systems with fairly wide bed spacing to avoid ending up with woodchips under your beds. Woodchips have a very high C:N ratio, and so they will pull nitrogen away from your crops if placed too close to the rooting zone. Over time, woodchips can add a substantial amount of organic matter and are excellent for absorbing and retaining moisture. Many growers are able to obtain woodchips for free by working with local arborists. Check with your certifier before using woodchips if you are an organic grower, as you may not be able to trace the source. 

5. Wool mulch (woolch) 

Wool mulch was researched extensively in the early 2000's. It is based on the byproduct wool from various industries in Minnesota, and showed great promise. Unfortunately, the product was never fully commercialized. You can read more about it here. While this is not a commercially available product at this time, I am mentioning it to spark ideas among growers who may have sheep farmer friends and neighbors. 

There are many other materials that can be used as mulch in small-scale systems - leaf litter, bark, etc. but these materials tend to be less abundantly available for larger-scale farms.  

Living mulches

1. Between rows

White clover has been the go-to between-row cover crop for many growers. It establishes well, can provide habitat for beneficial insects, and fixes nitrogen. There are a few drawbacks to using it, primarily that it tends to spread quickly, and so keeping it out of beds can be a challenge. White clover responds well to mowing and should be mowed prior to flowering in order to keep a well-established stand. Make sure that your rows are wide enough to accommodate a mower if you go this route.

In addition to pure white clover stands, many growers choose to incorporate a grass such as winter rye or a fescue. There are many reasons to integrate grasses and legumes, including improved winter hardiness, improved soil coverage, and tolerance to disturbance. Seed when there is rain in the forecast, or provide irrigation for good establishment (frost seeding is also an option).

While clover is the go-to for this purpose, there are many other options. Researchers in Morris, MN have been exploring alternative living row covers in recent years, with a focus on day neutral strawberries. While they are currently relying on white on black plastic for beds, they have explored a variety of living row covers as a substitute for landscape fabric (or herbicides / cultivation between rows). In 2019, they tested winter camelina, winter canola, and winter rye in both Morris (silty clay loam) and Farmington (sandy loam). Canola and rye both provided good weed suppression, though the canola needed to be mowed (canola is also a Brassica, which is important to consider for crop rotation purposes). All treatments yielded slightly less than plastic landscape fabric between rows. Read more about the trial here

Cornercopia student farm has been using white clover
between rows for years. Photo from their blog. 

2. Within rows

One of the primary challenges to incorporating cover crops in vegetables is the short window of time between harvesting late summer and fall crops, and the first freeze. One approach to getting a cover crop in early while providing some weed control is to underseed your cover crop directly into your main crop. This practice is more commonly discussed in the context of field crops, but vegetable farmers are beginning to experiment with it more and more. There are a number of caveats to consider with this practice: you need to plant your cover crop late enough for your primary crop to become well established, or the cover crop can out-compete your primary crop. Typically seeding is recommended after your final cultivation pass, or right before the canopy begins to fill in. However, this means that your cover crop could become shaded-out by your primary crop if it forms a dense canopy. Therefore, this approach is likely best suited to upright crops with a fairly slim canopy such as peppers or staked tomatoes, which are less likely to shade out an understory crop than a crop like pumpkins or melons. Keep in mind that a cover crop growing underneath your primary crop will compete for nutrients, so it must be fertilized. This system can also increase the overall canopy humidity, which may impact disease management; if possible, choose a low-growing cover crop. 

While this type of system is attractive for many reasons, it takes trial and error to figure out the best approach for your farm. Projects like this are great candidates for on-farm research grants such as the MDA Sustainable Ag Demonstration Grant or the SARE Farmer Rancher Grant. Our team can provide support and feedback to farmers who want to apply to these programs. 

Plastic mulch recycling services

For growers who are sticking with plastic, there may be recycling opportunities available in your area. All of the farmers who have attended our farmer to farmer gatherings who also recycle their on-farm plastic use Revolution Plastics . The Recycling Association of MN also lists a few sites that accept agricultural plastics.


In our farmer to farmer gatherings so far, we've highlighted Racing Heart Farm, Featherstone Farm, and Tiffany LaShae - all of whom are using innovative strategies for improving soil health in their vegetable farming practices. At each event, we've asked them to share some resources that have informed their practice. Here are the books they recommended: 

  • The no-till organic vegetable farm by Daniel Mays
  • The organic no till farming revolution by Andrew Mefferd
  • No-till intensive vegetable culture by Bryan O'Hara
  • The new harvest by Calestous Juma
  • Original instructions: Indigenous teachings for a sustainable future by Melissa Nelson
  • Managing Cover Crops Profitably - SARE handbook (free online)
  • Google Group: Climate Resilient Vegetable Production. This is a listserv where growers post questions related to reduced tillage and other climate resilience practices. If you'd like to join, you can reach out to Rue Genger at rue.genger@wisc.edu

Method for manufacturing a biodegradable agricultural ...

벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭 필름의 제조방법 및 그로부터 제조된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법 Method for producing biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice and method for direct growing of rice using biodegradable agricultural mulching film produced therefrom

본 발명은 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭 필름의 제조방법 및 그로부터 제조된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a method for producing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice and a rice direct growing method using a biodegradable agricultural mulching film produced therefrom.

본 발명은 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭 필름의 제조방법 및 그로부터 제조된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a method for producing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice and a rice direct growing method using a biodegradable agricultural mulching film produced therefrom.

이러한, 직파재배방법은 모내기의 노력이 절감되는 이점이 있고, 논갈이에서수확까지 기계화생력화가 가능하지만, 잡초에 의한 피해가 크고 2모작도 곤란하므로 특수지역을 제외하고는 부적당하며, 볍씨 노출로 인해 조류로 인한 볍씨유실 및 제초제의 과다 사용으로 인하여 재배면적이 크게 향상되지 못하는 문제점이 있다. Such a direct cultivation method has the advantage of reducing the effort of planting and mechanization is possible from rice field to harvest, but it is inadequate except in special areas because the damage caused by weeds is difficult and two crops are difficult. Due to the excessive use of rice seed oil and herbicides caused by algae, there is a problem that the cultivation area is not greatly improved.

이러한, 직파재배방법은 모내기의 노력이 절감되는 이점이 있고, 논갈이에서수확까지 기계화생력화가 가능하지만, 잡초에 의한 피해가 크고 2모작도 곤란하므로 특수지역을 제외하고는 부적당하며, 볍씨 노출로 인해 조류로 인한 볍씨유실 및 제초제의 과다 사용으로 인하여 재배면적이 크게 향상되지 못하는 문제점이 있다. Such a direct cultivation method has the advantage of reducing the effort of planting and mechanization is possible from rice field to harvest, but it is inadequate except in special areas because the damage caused by weeds is difficult and two crops are difficult. Due to the excessive use of rice seed oil and herbicides caused by algae, there is a problem that the cultivation area is not greatly improved.

한편, 직파재배방법이란, 씨앗을 묘상에 육묘하지 않고 본답에 직접 파종하여 수확할 때까지 그 자리에서 자라게 하는 방법으로, 현재는 벼의 재배에 있어서직파재배방법 보다는 이앙재배방법이 일반적으로 사용되고 있다. 하지만 관개수를빗물에만 의존하는 천수답에서 가뭄에 대비하여 농사를 행하던 옛날에는,관개설비가 불완전하고 빗물에 의지하여 벼농사를 지었기 때문에 비교적 제한된 지역에서 직파재배방법이 주로 실시되었다. On the other hand, the direct cultivation method is a method in which seeds are not grown in seedlings but are seeded directly in the field until they are harvested and grown on the spot. Currently, the rice transplanting method is generally used rather than the direct cultivation method in rice cultivation. . However, in the past when farming for drought in the shallow water, where irrigation water depended solely on rainwater, direct cultivation was carried out in relatively limited areas because of irrigation facilities and rice farming based on rainwater.

한편, 직파재배방법이란, 씨앗을 묘상에 육묘하지 않고 본답에 직접 파종하여 수확할 때까지 그 자리에서 자라게 하는 방법으로, 현재는 벼의 재배에 있어서직파재배방법 보다는 이앙재배방법이 일반적으로 사용되고 있다. 하지만 관개수를빗물에만 의존하는 천수답에서 가뭄에 대비하여 농사를 행하던 옛날에는,관개설비가 불완전하고 빗물에 의지하여 벼농사를 지었기 때문에 비교적 제한된 지역에서 직파재배방법이 주로 실시되었다. On the other hand, the direct cultivation method is a method in which seeds are not grown in seedlings but are seeded directly in the field until they are harvested and grown on the spot. Currently, the rice transplanting method is generally used rather than the direct cultivation method in rice cultivation. . However, in the past when farming for drought in the shallow water, where irrigation water depended solely on rainwater, direct cultivation was carried out in relatively limited areas because of irrigation facilities and rice farming based on rainwater.

우리 나라의 자연환경은 여름철에 기온이 높고 강우량이 많은 몬순아시아권에 속해 있기 때문에 벼 농사가 적합하여 오랜 역사를 통하여 도작문화가 형성되어왔다. 쌀 농사는 농가의 주소득원으로서 경제적 비중이 크고, 쌀은 여러가지 영양성분을 고루 갖춘 건강식이다. Since the natural environment of our country belongs to the monsoon region, where the temperature is high and the rainfall is high in summer, rice farming is suitable, and the culture of the culture has been formed through a long history. Rice farming has a large economic weight as a source of farmers' rice, and rice is a healthy food with various nutrients.

우리 나라의 자연환경은 여름철에 기온이 높고 강우량이 많은 몬순아시아권에 속해 있기 때문에 벼 농사가 적합하여 오랜 역사를 통하여 도작문화가 형성되어왔다. 쌀 농사는 농가의 주소득원으로서 경제적 비중이 크고, 쌀은 여러가지 영양성분을 고루 갖춘 건강식이다. Since the natural environment of our country belongs to the monsoon region, where the temperature is high and the rainfall is high in summer, rice farming is suitable, and the culture of the culture has been formed through a long history. Rice farming has a large economic weight as a source of farmers' rice, and rice is a healthy food with various nutrients.

아시아에서는 매년 약 3억 톤의 쌀(벼)이 생산되고 10억이 넘는 인구가 쌀을 주식으로 생활하고 있으며, 쌀을 다른 작물과 같이 혼합 또는 가공하여 이용하는 경우까지 합하면 세계인구의 약 절반이 쌀을 주식으로 이용하는 것으로 알려져 있다. In Asia, about 300 million tons of rice are produced every year, and more than 1 billion people live on staple rice. About half of the world's population is added to rice when mixed or processed with other crops. It is known to use as a stock.

아시아에서는 매년 약 3억 톤의 쌀(벼)이 생산되고 10억이 넘는 인구가 쌀을 주식으로 생활하고 있으며, 쌀을 다른 작물과 같이 혼합 또는 가공하여 이용하는 경우까지 합하면 세계인구의 약 절반이 쌀을 주식으로 이용하는 것으로 알려져 있다. In Asia, about 300 million tons of rice are produced every year, and more than 1 billion people live on staple rice. About half of the world's population is added to rice when mixed or processed with other crops. It is known to use as a stock.

또한, 본 발명은 볍씨를 조류나 기타 피해로부터 예방할 수 있으면서 보온을유지할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 사용하기때문에 별도의 수거가 필요 없이 자연 상태에서 생분해가 된다. In addition, the present invention can not only maintain the warmth while preventing rice seed from algae or other damage, as well as using a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice is biodegradable in the natural state without the need for separate collection.

또한, 본 발명은 볍씨를 조류나 기타 피해로부터 예방할 수 있으면서 보온을유지할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 사용하기때문에 별도의 수거가 필요 없이 자연 상태에서 생분해가 된다. In addition, the present invention can not only maintain the warmth while preventing rice seed from algae or other damage, as well as using a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice is biodegradable in the natural state without the need for separate collection.

상기에서 살펴본 바와 같이 본 발명은 모기르기와 이앙단계를 생략할 수 있고, 감비 효과가 있으며 노동력과 비용을 감소할 수 있어 생산비를 획기적으로 줄일 수 있으며, 동시에 멀칭까지 하므로 제초제나 제초작업이 필요 없고 관행농법에비해 생산비의 추가 부담 없이 벼를 친환경적으로 재배할 수 있는 효과를 발휘한다. As described above, the present invention can omit the mosquitoes and the transplanting step, can reduce the labor force and costs, can significantly reduce the production cost, and at the same time do not need herbicides or weeding work Compared to conventional farming methods, it is possible to grow rice in an environmentally friendly manner without additional production costs.

상기에서 살펴본 바와 같이 본 발명은 모기르기와 이앙단계를 생략할 수 있고, 감비 효과가 있으며 노동력과 비용을 감소할 수 있어 생산비를 획기적으로 줄일 수 있으며, 동시에 멀칭까지 하므로 제초제나 제초작업이 필요 없고 관행농법에비해 생산비의 추가 부담 없이 벼를 친환경적으로 재배할 수 있는 효과를 발휘한다. As described above, the present invention can omit the mosquitoes and the transplanting step, can reduce the labor force and costs, can significantly reduce the production cost, and at the same time do not need herbicides or weeding work Compared to conventional farming methods, it is possible to grow rice in an environmentally friendly manner without additional production costs.

또한, 본 발명은 상기에 의해 제조된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을, 필름에 붙은 볍씨가 논 바닥과 맞닿도록 논 바닥에 치상하는 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법을 제공한다. In addition, the present invention is a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice prepared by the above, rice using the biodegradable agricultural mulching film comprising the step of flocculating the rice seed attached to the film on the rice paddy bottom so as to contact the rice paddy bottom. Provides a direct growing method.

또한, 본 발명은 상기에 의해 제조된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을, 필름에 붙은 볍씨가 논 바닥과 맞닿도록 논 바닥에 치상하는 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법을 제공한다. In addition, the present invention is a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice prepared by the above, rice using the biodegradable agricultural mulching film comprising the step of flocculating the rice seed attached to the film on the rice paddy bottom so as to contact the rice paddy bottom. Provides a direct growing method.

상기의 목적을 달성하기 위해 본 발명은 (A) 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된분말 또는 펠렛 형태의 원료에 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘을 혼합하여 생분해 필름 원료혼합물을 제조한 후, 제조된 생분해 필름 원료혼합물을 압출기의 투입부로 투입하는 단계; (B) 투입부로부터 배출되는 생분해 필름 원료혼합물이 하나의 토출구를 통해 블로우 성형되는 단계; (C) 상기 블로우 성형물의 종단면을 절단하여 절단된 블로우 성형물을 필름 형태로 각각 펴지도록 지관에 감아 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 수득하는 단계; 및 (D) 상기에서 수득된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름에 다수의 구멍을 일정 간격으로 뚫은 후, 구멍 주변에 볍씨를 붙이는 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법을 제공한다. In order to achieve the above object, the present invention provides a biodegradable film raw material mixture prepared by mixing a calcium carbonate encapsulated with stearic acid with a raw material in the form of a powder or pellets composed of an aliphatic polyester material, and then preparing a biodegradable film raw material mixture. Injecting into the inlet of the extruder; (B) blow molding the biodegradable film raw material mixture discharged from the inlet through one outlet; (C) cutting the longitudinal section of the blow molded product to obtain a biodegradable agricultural mulching film by winding the cut blow molded product in the form of a film to be unfolded in a film form; And (D) drilling a plurality of holes in the biodegradable agricultural mulching film obtained above at regular intervals, and then attaching rice seeds around the holes to provide a manufacturing method of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for rice cultivation. do.

상기의 목적을 달성하기 위해 본 발명은 (A) 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된분말 또는 펠렛 형태의 원료에 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘을 혼합하여 생분해 필름 원료혼합물을 제조한 후, 제조된 생분해 필름 원료혼합물을 압출기의 투입부로 투입하는 단계; (B) 투입부로부터 배출되는 생분해 필름 원료혼합물이 하나의 토출구를 통해 블로우 성형되는 단계; (C) 상기 블로우 성형물의 종단면을 절단하여 절단된 블로우 성형물을 필름 형태로 각각 펴지도록 지관에 감아 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 수득하는 단계; 및 (D) 상기에서 수득된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름에 다수의 구멍을 일정 간격으로 뚫은 후, 구멍 주변에 볍씨를 붙이는 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법을 제공한다. In order to achieve the above object, the present invention provides a biodegradable film raw material mixture prepared by mixing a calcium carbonate encapsulated with stearic acid with a raw material in the form of a powder or pellets composed of an aliphatic polyester material, and then preparing a biodegradable film raw material mixture. Injecting into the inlet of the extruder; (B) blow molding the biodegradable film raw material mixture discharged from the inlet through one outlet; (C) cutting the longitudinal section of the blow molded product to obtain a biodegradable agricultural mulching film by winding the cut blow molded product in the form of a film to be unfolded in a film form; And (D) drilling a plurality of holes in the biodegradable agricultural mulching film obtained above at regular intervals, and then attaching rice seeds around the holes to provide a manufacturing method of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for rice cultivation. do.

이에 본 발명은 상기와 같은 문제점을 해결하고자 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭 필름의 제조방법 및 그로부터 제조된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법을 제공하는 데 그 목적이 있다. Accordingly, an object of the present invention is to provide a method for producing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice, and a rice direct cultivation method using a biodegradable agricultural mulching film prepared therefrom.

이에 본 발명은 상기와 같은 문제점을 해결하고자 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭 필름의 제조방법 및 그로부터 제조된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법을 제공하는 데 그 목적이 있다. Accordingly, an object of the present invention is to provide a method for producing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice, and a rice direct cultivation method using a biodegradable agricultural mulching film prepared therefrom.

도 3은 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법으로부터 수득된구멍이 일정간격을 두고 서로 2방향으로 대칭되도록 형성된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 나타낸 도면이다. Figure 3 is a view showing the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for rice cultivation for the straight-hole cultivation of rice formed from the manufacturing method of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice symmetrical in two directions with a predetermined interval.

도 3은 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법으로부터 수득된구멍이 일정간격을 두고 서로 2방향으로 대칭되도록 형성된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 나타낸 도면이다. Figure 3 is a view showing the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for rice cultivation for the straight-hole cultivation of rice formed from the manufacturing method of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice symmetrical in two directions with a predetermined interval.

구멍이 일정간격을 두고 서로 4방향으로 대칭되도록 형성된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 나타낸 도면이다. It is a view showing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice formed so that the holes are symmetrical in four directions with a predetermined interval.

구멍이 일정간격을 두고 서로 4방향으로 대칭되도록 형성된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 나타낸 도면이다. It is a view showing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice formed so that the holes are symmetrical in four directions with a predetermined interval.

도 2는 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법으로부터 수득된 Figure 2 is obtained from the manufacturing method of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice

도 2는 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법으로부터 수득된 Figure 2 is obtained from the manufacturing method of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice

도 1은 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법으로부터 수득된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 나타낸 도면이다. 1 is a view showing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice obtained from the manufacturing method of a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice.

도 1은 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법으로부터 수득된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 나타낸 도면이다. 1 is a view showing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice obtained from the manufacturing method of a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice.

이하, 본 발명의 과제 해결 수단에 대해 단계별로 세분화하여 상세히 설명하고자 한다.

Hereinafter, the problem solving means of the present invention will be described in detail by dividing step by step.

단계 1: 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된 분말 또는 펠렛 형태의 원료 에스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘을 혼합하여 생분해 필름 원료혼합물을 제조한 후, 제조된 생분해 필름 원료혼합물을 압출기의 투입부로 투입하는 단계

Step 1: preparing a biodegradable film raw material mixture by mixing calcium carbonate encapsulated with raw esteraric acid in powder or pellet form composed of aliphatic polyester material, and then injecting the prepared biodegradable film raw material mixture into the inlet of the extruder.

본 단계 1은 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된 분말 또는 펠렛 형태의 원료에 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘을 혼합하여 멀칭 필름 원료혼합물을 제조한후, 제조된 멀칭 필름 원료혼합물을 압출기의 투입부로 투입하는 단계이다.

This step 1 is to prepare a mulching film raw material mixture by mixing the calcium carbonate encapsulated with stearic acid in the powder or pellet form of the aliphatic polyester material, and then injecting the prepared mulching film raw material mixture into the input unit of the extruder .

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본 발명은 농업용에 사용되는 멀칭필름에 있어서, 멀칭필름의 생산비용을 감소시키면서 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 제조하기 위해 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된 분말 또는 펠렛 형태의 원료에 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘을 혼합하여 멀칭필름 원료혼합물을 제조한다.

The present invention is a carbonic acid encapsulated with stearic acid in a raw material in the form of powder or pellets composed of aliphatic polyester material for producing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice while reducing the production cost of mulching film in the mulching film used for agriculture Mixing calcium to prepare a mulching film raw material mixture.

본 발명은 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 제조하기 위해 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된 분말 또는 펠렛 형태의 원료를 사용하는데, 이는 사용시 외부에 노출되어 있거나 토양에 매립된 뒤에도 자연상태에서 미생물에 의해 분해되기 때문에 환경오염을 방지할 수 있고 폐 처리에 따른 사회적 비용을 경감시킬 수 있어 친환경적이기 때문이다.

The present invention uses a raw material in the form of powder or pellets composed of aliphatic polyester material to produce a biodegradable agricultural mulching film, which is environmentally polluted because it is decomposed by microorganisms in a natural state even after being exposed to the outside or embedded in soil. This is because it is eco-friendly because it can prevent the cost and reduce the social cost of waste disposal.

한편, 본 발명에서 사용한 지방족폴리에스테르는 특정 종류에 한정되는 것은아니나, 바람직하게는 PBS(Poly(butylene succinate)), PAS(Poly(butyleneadipate)), PGA(Poly(glycolic acid)), PLA(Poly(lactic acid), PCL(Poly(ε-caprolatone)), PHV(Poly(hydroxy valerate)), PBSA(Poly(butylene succinateadipate)), PGLA(Poly(glycolic acid-co-latic acid)), PHBV(Poly(hydroxybutyrate valerate)) 및 PBAT(Poly(butyrate adipate terephthalate)) 중 선택되는 어느 하나 이상인 것이 좋다.

On the other hand, the aliphatic polyester used in the present invention is not limited to a specific kind, preferably PBS (Poly (butylene succinate)), PAS (Poly (butyleneadipate)), PGA (Poly (glycolic acid)), PLA (Poly (lactic acid), PC (Poly (ε-caprolatone)), PHV (Poly (hydroxy valerate)), PBSA (Poly (butylene succinateadipate)), PGLA (Poly (glycolic acid-co-latic acid)), PHBV (Poly (hydroxybutyrate valerate)) and PBAT (Poly (butyrate adipate terephthalate)) is one or more selected from.

한편, 본 발명은 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘을 반드시 포함하는 데, 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘을 사용함으로써 상대적으로 고가인 지방족폴리에스테르의 사용량을 줄일 수 있고, 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 비중을 낮춤으로써지방족폴리에스테르의 사용량 대비 생산된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 부피를 증가시킬 수 있기 때문에 생산비용을 절감할 수 있어 경제적으로 효율적이다. 또한, 스테아린산으로 탄산칼슘을 캡슐화함으로써 탄산칼슘의 분산이 잘 이루어져 이물감 없이 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 생산할 수 있고, 탄산칼슘이 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 내열성을 증가시키는 장점도 있다.

On the other hand, the present invention necessarily includes calcium carbonate encapsulated with stearic acid, by using a calcium carbonate encapsulated with stearic acid can reduce the amount of relatively expensive aliphatic polyester, aliphatic by lowering the specific gravity of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film Since the volume of the biodegradable mulching film produced compared to the amount of polyester can be increased, the production cost can be reduced and it is economically efficient. In addition, by encapsulating calcium carbonate with stearic acid, the calcium carbonate can be dispersed well to produce a biodegradable agricultural mulching film without foreign matter, and calcium carbonate has the advantage of increasing the heat resistance of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film.

한편, 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘은 바람직하게 0.01~1㎛인 것이 좋은데, 1㎛를 초과하는 경우에는 분산이 잘 이루어지지 않아 비중이 낮은 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 제조하는데 어려움이 발생한다.

On the other hand, calcium carbonate encapsulated with stearic acid is preferably preferably 0.01 ~ 1㎛, when exceeding 1㎛ is difficult to produce a biodegradable agricultural mulching film having a low specific gravity because the dispersion is not made well.

한편, 멀칭필름 원료혼합물은 바람직하게 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘이 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된 분말 또는 펠렛 형태의 원료를 5~45 중량% 대체하여 조성되는 것이 좋은데, 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된 멀칭필름과 물성이 유사하면서 비중을 낮출 수 있어 생산비용을 효율적으로 절감할 수 있기 때문이다.

On the other hand, the mulching film raw material mixture is preferably formed by replacing 5 to 45% by weight of the raw material in the form of powder or pellets composed of aliphatic polyester material encapsulated with stearic acid, the mulching film composed of aliphatic polyester material This is because the physical properties are similar and the specific gravity can be lowered, thereby effectively reducing the production cost.

한편, 멀칭필름 원료혼합물은 바람직하게 셀룰로오스 또는 전분을 추가적으로 함유하는 것이 좋은데, 셀룰로오스는 단당류(monosaccharide)인 글루코오스(glucose) 2분자로 이루어진 셀로비오스(cellobiose)가 결합하여 이뤄지고 미생물에 의해 분해되는 생분해성이다. 본 발명은 셀룰로오스를 추가적으로 함유함으로써통기성 및 통수성이 우수한 멀칭필름을 제조할 수 있고, 사용되는 셀룰로오스 또는전분은 가장 바람직하게 20㎛~40㎛인 것이 좋으며, 멀칭필름 원료혼합물을 0.5~5 중량% 대체하여 첨가되는 것이 좋다.

On the other hand, the mulching film raw material mixture preferably contains an additional cellulose or starch, the cellulose is a biodegradable biodegradable formed by the combination of cellobiose consisting of two molecules of glucose (monosaccharide) and decomposed by microorganisms to be. In the present invention, by additionally containing cellulose, it is possible to produce a mulching film excellent in breathability and water permeability, the cellulose or starch used is most preferably 20㎛ ~ 40㎛, 0.5 ~ 5% by weight of the mulching film raw material mixture It is good to be added instead.

단계 2: 투입부로부터 배출되는 멀칭필름 원료혼합물이 하나의 토출구를 통해 블로우 성형되는 단계

Step 2: blow molding the mulching film raw material mixture discharged from the input through one discharge port

본 단계 2는 투입부로부터 배출되는 멀칭필름 원료혼합물이 하나의 토출구를통해 블로우 성형되는 단계이다.

This step 2 is a step of blow molding the mulching film raw material mixture discharged from the inlet through one discharge port.

블로우 성형이란 원료를 주입하여 압출기를 통해 원료가 용해되어 토출구를통해 용출될 때 관의 내부로 콤프레서를 이용하여 공기를 공급함으로써 성형하는 방법이다.

Blow molding is a method of molding by injecting raw materials and supplying air using a compressor to the inside of the tube when the raw materials are dissolved and eluted through the discharge port through the extruder.

본 발명은 투입부로부터 배출되는 멀칭필름 원료혼합물이 하나의 토출구를 통해 블로우 성형을 실시함으로써 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 제조할 수 있다.

The present invention can produce a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice by blow molding the mulching film raw material mixture discharged from the inlet through one discharge port.

단계 3: 상기 블로우 성형물의 종단면을 절단하여 절단된 블로우 성형물을 필름 형태로 각각 펴지도록 지관에 감아 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 수득하는 단계

Step 3: cutting the longitudinal section of the blow molded product to obtain a biodegradable agricultural mulching film by winding the cut blow molded product in the form of a film to each unfold.

본 단계 3은 상기 블로우 성형물의 종단면을 절단하여 절단된 블로우 성형물을 필름 형태로 각각 펴지도록 지관에 감아 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 수득하는 단계이다.

This step 3 is a step of obtaining a biodegradable agricultural mulching film by cutting the longitudinal section of the blow molding to wind the cut blow molding in the form of film to each unfold.

상기 단계 2에서 생산된 블로우 성형물은 이어진 형태이기 때문에 멀칭필름으로 사용하기에는 어려움이 있다. 이에 본 발명은 서로 이어진 형태인 성형물의 종단면을 절단함으로써 블로우 성형물을 필름 형태로 각각 펴지도록 하여 운반과 보관에 용이하게 지관에 감는 것이다.

The blow molded product produced in step 2 is difficult to use as a mulching film because it is a continuous form. Accordingly, the present invention is to cut the longitudinal cross-section of the moldings that are connected to each other to unfold the blow moldings in the form of a film to each easily wound around the paper pipe for transport and storage.

이렇게 만들어진 멀칭필름은 지방족폴리에스테르의 사용량 대비 부피가 증가되어 생산효율이 좋으면서 생산비용을 절감할 수 있고, 생분해성으로, 별도의 수거가 필요 없기 때문에 노동력을 절감할 수 있는 장점이 있다.

The mulching film made in this way has an advantage of reducing labor costs because the volume of the aliphatic polyester is increased compared to the amount of use thereof, and thus the production efficiency is good, and the biodegradability does not require separate collection.

단계 4: 상기에서 수득된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름에 다수의 구멍을 일정 간격으로 뚫은 후, 구멍 주변에 볍씨를 붙이는 단계

Step 4: after drilling a plurality of holes in the biodegradable agricultural mulching film obtained at a predetermined interval, attaching rice seed around the hole

본 단계 4는 상기 단계 3에서 수득된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름에 다수의 구멍을 일정 간격으로 뚫은 후, 구멍 주변에 볍씨를 붙이는 단계이다.

This step 4 is a step of attaching rice seed around the hole after drilling a plurality of holes at a predetermined interval in the biodegradable agricultural mulching film obtained in step 3.

한편, 본 발명은 상기 단계 3에서 수득된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름에 다수의 구멍을 일정 간격으로 뚫는데, 이는 구멍 주변에 붙여진 볍씨에서 발아된 유아가 멀칭필름 위로 뻗어나올 수 있게 하기 위해서이다.

On the other hand, the present invention drills a plurality of holes in the biodegradable agricultural mulching film obtained in step 3 at regular intervals, so that the infant germinated from the rice seed attached around the hole can extend over the mulching film.

한편, 다수의 구멍은 바람직하게 조간 및 주간이 100~400mm 되도록 일정 간격으로 뚫는 것이 좋다.

On the other hand, a plurality of holes is preferably drilled at regular intervals so that intertidal and daytime 100 ~ 400mm.

조간이란 작물이 심어진 폭을 의미하고, 주간이란 포기와 포기 사이(그루와 그루 사이)를 의미한다.

The term "morning" means the width of the planted plant, and the weekly "between and between trees".

한편, 본 발명은 수득된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름에 다수의 구멍을 일정 간격으로 뚫은 후, 구멍 주변에 볍씨를 붙이는 단계; 이후 바람직하게 추가적으로, 볍씨를 최아시키는 단계를 포함할 수 있다.

On the other hand, the present invention after drilling a plurality of holes in a predetermined interval on the obtained biodegradable agricultural mulching film, attaching rice seed around the hole; Then preferably additionally, may include the step of minimizing rice seed.

한편, 수득된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름에 뚫은 구멍은 바람직하게 일정간격을두고 서로 4방향으로 대칭되도록 형성된 것 또는 일정간격을 두고 서로 2방향으로대칭되도록 형성된 것 또는 직경 10mm~50mm인 것이 좋고, 멀칭필름 구멍 주변에 붙인 볍씨는 바람직하게 2~10개인 것이 좋다.

On the other hand, the holes punched in the obtained biodegradable agricultural mulching film is preferably formed to be symmetrical to each other in four directions with a predetermined interval or formed to be symmetrical to each other in two directions with a certain interval or diameter 10mm ~ 50mm, Rice seed stuck around the hole is preferably 2-10.

한편, 본 발명의 볍씨 간의 붙이는 간격은 이앙재배의 단위 면적당의 포기수가 될 정도의 간격으로 붙인다.

On the other hand, the spacing between the rice seeds of the present invention is pasted at intervals such as to give up water per unit area of rice planting.

또한 본 발명은 상기에 의해 제조된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을, 필름에 붙은 볍씨가 논 바닥과 맞닿도록 논 바닥에 치상하는 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법을 제공한다.

In another aspect, the present invention is a rice straight wave using a biodegradable mulching film for biodegradable agricultural mulching film comprising the step of arranging the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice prepared by the above, so that the rice seed attached to the film abuts the bottom of the paddy field. Provide a cultivation method.

본 발명은 상기에서 제조된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을, 필름에 붙은 볍씨가 논 바닥과 맞닿도록 논 바닥에 치상하는데, 볍씨를 조류나 기타피해로부터 예방할 수 있으면서 보온을 유지할 수 있기 때문이다.

The present invention is a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice prepared in the above, the rice seed adhered to the film on the rice paddy bottom so as to contact the bottom of the rice paddy, because the rice seed can be kept warm while being able to prevent rice seed from algae or other damages. .

한편, 통상적으로 벼 재배방법은 볍씨를 정선 및 소독하여 침종하고 싹을 틔운 후, 어느 정도 모를 기른 다음, 모를 본 논으로 옮겨 심는데(이앙), 본 발명의벼 직파재배방법은 필름에 붙은 볍씨가 논 바닥과 맞닿도록 논 바닥에 치상함으로써 모기르기와 모를 본 논으로 옮겨 심는(이앙) 것을 생략할 수 있어 매우 간편하다. 또한, 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름은 별도로 수거를 하지 않아도자연적으로 생분해되기 때문에 환경오염을 방지하고 수거에 따른 노동력을 절감시킬 수 있으며, 잡초를 예방할 수 있어 제초제의 사용을 억제할 수 있다.

On the other hand, the rice cultivation method is usually seeded and disinfected by seeding and disinfection of rice seedlings, after sprouting, after raising some seedlings, transfer the seedlings to the rice paddy (Iang), the rice direct cultivation method of the present invention is the rice seed attached to the film It is very easy to avoid mosquitoes and transplanting the seedlings to the rice paddies by placing them on the rice pads so that they touch the rice paddies. In addition, since the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice is biodegradable even if not separately collected, it is possible to prevent environmental pollution and reduce labor due to collection, and to prevent weeds, thereby preventing the use of herbicides.

한편, 치상 할 때의 논 지면의 최상의 상태 유지를 위하여 경운과 로타리 작업을 한 후, 물을 대어 무논(물논) 상태로 한 다음, 평탄 작업 및 비료살포(완효성복비)을 하고 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 최대한 논 지면에 가까이 밀착 되도록 하여 치상하여야 하며, 물대기는 유아가 멀칭필름의 구멍 위로 올라올 때까지 건조되지 않도록만 유지하고 그 후에 물대기를 실시하는데, 치상 후 곧바로 물대기를 하였을 경우에는 출아율이 낮아지기 때문이다.

On the other hand, after tilling and rotary work to maintain the best condition of the paper when it is healed, put water into a non-non-water (non-water) state, and then flattening and fertilizer spraying (perfecting coverage) and applying biodegradable mulching film for agriculture. As close as possible to the paddy field, it should be flossed, and the water pool should be kept dry until the baby climbs over the hole in the mulching film. After that, the water will be drained. Because it is lowered.

Exploring alternatives to plastic mulch

 Author: Natalie Hoidal, UMN Extension Educator, local foods and vegetable crops

As our farmer to farmer soil health for vegetables series has unfolded, plastic mulch has come up in every conversation. There are so many benefits to using it, including moisture retention, weed control, and soil warming, but the environmental impact is hard to ignore. It's estimated that in the US alone, farmers use around 1 billion pounds of plastic annually. In this article, I'll review some alternatives and share up-to-date research and grower feedback. 

Our final farmer to farmer soil health gathering is Wednesday January 20th at 7pm. We'll feature Rodrigo Cala of Cala Farm, who has been experimenting with cover crops for years. He'll discuss his efforts to integrate sheep for terminating cover crops, as well as his efforts with summer cover crops and species mixtures. Sign up at z.umn.edu/soilhealthchats. 

Plastic is a mainstay on most vegetable farms,
but farmers are working hard to find good alternatives.
Photo NH 

Alternative plastic mulch-like products

1. Biodegradable plastic mulch

If a grower wanted to swap black plastic mulch with something nearly identical, but more environmentally friendly, biodegradable plastic mulchbiodegradable plastic mulch may be the best option. These plastics perform similarly to regular plastic mulch, but rather than removing your mulch at the end of the season, it's tilled into the soil where it decomposes. 

Many growers have questions about the soil health impacts of biodegradable mulches. Unfortunately at this point, the research is fairly unclear. Some studies show impacts to soil microbial communities, and others do not. There is also substantial variation between products. Overall, biodegradable mulch impacts the soil in two ways. 1. Just like regular plastic mulch, covering the soil surface with a relatively impermeable black plastic changes the dynamics of the soil underneath by reducing light infiltration, increasing heat, and reducing water infiltration, evaporation, and gas exchange. All of these changes impact microbial communities, root development, and nitrogen use efficiency. Impacts vary depending on the soil conditions and climate in which mulches are used. In cool climates, plastic mulches may increase microbial activity by warming the soil, whereas in warm climates, mulches may warm the soil beyond the optimal temperature range for many microbes. In general, the use of plastic mulches increases nitrogen use efficiency (Bandopadhyay et al., 2018). 2. Following incorporation, biodegradable mulches add carbon, microorganisms, and other materials such as adherent chemicals and dyes. While the breakdown products of biodegradable mulches are generally considered non-toxic, there is limited research on the long-term effects of using these materials. 

Since no current models of biodegradable mulch meet the criteria of the national organic program, these mulches can only be used in organic fields if they are removed at the end of the season. 

One of the main reasons growers have not quickly adopted the use of biodegradable mulch is that it can look quite messy when it begins to degrade, and pieces can stick to produce, especially produce that touches the ground such as melons. For growers who have customers on-site, the small pieces of black plastic scattered around the farm may be considered unsightly. 

It is worth noting that some initial research suggests that after tilling biomulch into the soil, the decomposition process may tie up nitrogen in the soil for a period of weeks. As such, it is likely advisable to avoid planting a second crop immediately after tilling your mulch under (just like you would wait a few weeks to plant after you've terminated a cover crop). 

Penn State Extension educators published a series of case studies with grower reviews and tips for using biodegradable plastic mulch. 

There are a wide array of biodegradable mulches on the market, 
and all perform a bit differently. Researchers in multiple states are actively
trialing biomulches to compare their efficacy and assess soil impacts. 
Image from the Wortman research lab in Nebraska. 

2. Paper mulch

Paper mulches are made of cellulose-based materials, whereas other biomulches tend to be made of vegetable starches and polymers. Paper mulches can be applied using the same methods (i.e. mulch layers), but there are some reports that the edges are more likely to tear during application if the disks are not set up at the right angle. Some researchers have opted to install paper mulch by hand due to the degree of tearing. Others recommend re-burying the edges at least once or twice during the season, as loose edges can catch in the wind or on equipment and tear. Paper mulches also tend to develop more tears and holes throughout the season than standard plastic mulch. There seem to be fewer studies on paper mulch than on other biodegradable mulches, but many show that it keeps soil consistently cooler than plastic mulch. This is likely in part due to the lighter color of plastic mulches, which tend to be tan to brown, but there are newer black paper mulches entering the market. As such, if you're considering trying paper mulch, try it first on cooler season crops. 

I personally do not know of any MN farmers who use paper mulch - if you use it, I'd love to hear your thoughts about it. I plan to use some this summer to get a better feel for it. 

Paper mulch. Image: Johnnys

3. Developments in new technologies

Researchers in Morris have been working with AURI to develop a bio-based spray-on mulch made from agricultural residues. They are still refining and testing the product, but it's something to look forward to in the years to come. 

Organic mulches

1. Straw

Straw is one of the most universally-used organic mulches, and for good reason. It achieves many of the same benefits as plastic mulch: weed suppression, reducing fertilizer leaching, and moisture retention. It also helps to reduce the incidence of splash-dispersed pathogens, and initial research shows that it can help to reduce Alternaria pressure in Brassicas. Straw mulch has also been cited as an Integrated Pest Management strategy for some pests including onion thrips and potato beetles, because it can interfere with pupation, and can support communities of beneficial insects. 

Straw does keep the soil cool, which for some crops, can have negative yield impacts (but for cool season crops is ideal). Fields mulched with straw can also cause problems in squash and pumpkins if a fall frost occurs; we tend to see more damage in straw mulched plots than bare soil. 

Make sure to purchase high quality, weed free straw, or you may end up with more weeds than you started with. Many growers prefer to run at least one cultivation pass before mulching to eliminate the first flush of weeds before laying the straw. 

Sprouting hay bale / a reminder to purchase
weed free, high quality straw. Photo NH

2. Strip tilling or direct seeding into a rolled cover crop 

I'm seeing more and more vegetable growers experimenting with strip tilling, or direct planting into a field of rolled winter rye. There's still a lot to figure out in these systems, but they are promising for a few main reasons. 1. Rather than importing straw and spreading it, you're essentially creating straw in place with a cover crop. 2. With this system, you're also able to keep living roots in the soil over the winter. Dr. Ajay Nair's team is leading a lot of this research in Iowa, and you can read more about some of their trials here. In Minnesota, rolling and crimping a winter cereal often does not successfully terminate it. If conditions are too wet, rolling and crimping may not be sufficient to break the stems, and instead may simply push them over. Some growers who use this system first terminate their cover crop with an herbicide. Others use a mower to cut it down right before the cover crop flowers. There are pumpkin growers who direct seed into mowed or rolled rye - this works best for larger seeded crops. For smaller seeded crops, strip tillage, the practice of tilling the strips where you want to plant and leaving the rows in between untilled, is a good compromise. Read more about strip till trials from Dr. Nair's lab in the link above. Keep in mind that soil covered in straw does not get as warm as soils covered in plastic; using row cover early in the year can help offset the cooler temperatures. 

Farmers seeding pumpkins into a 
terminated rye cover crop. In this case there was limited
rye establishment, so the weed control benefit was limited
Photo: Annie Klodd

3. Deep compost mulch

Deep compost mulching is simply the practice of adding a thick layer weed-free compost on top of your soil, essentially burying weed seeds. Depending on how much compost you're able to generate on-site, this system can be prohibitively expensive. This can work well for farmers who connect with local schools, hospitals, or other institutions who compost large quantities of food-waste. Keep in mind that it is possible to add too much compost, especially if it is high in phosphorous. Test your soil regularly to make sure you're not over-applying certain nutrients. 

4. Woodchips 

Woodchips are an excellent source of organic matter, but they should only be used in rows. Wood chips are best suited to systems with fairly wide bed spacing to avoid ending up with woodchips under your beds. Woodchips have a very high C:N ratio, and so they will pull nitrogen away from your crops if placed too close to the rooting zone. Over time, woodchips can add a substantial amount of organic matter and are excellent for absorbing and retaining moisture. Many growers are able to obtain woodchips for free by working with local arborists. Check with your certifier before using woodchips if you are an organic grower, as you may not be able to trace the source. 

5. Wool mulch (woolch) 

Wool mulch was researched extensively in the early 2000's. It is based on the byproduct wool from various industries in Minnesota, and showed great promise. Unfortunately, the product was never fully commercialized. You can read more about it here. While this is not a commercially available product at this time, I am mentioning it to spark ideas among growers who may have sheep farmer friends and neighbors. 

There are many other materials that can be used as mulch in small-scale systems - leaf litter, bark, etc. but these materials tend to be less abundantly available for larger-scale farms.  

Living mulches

1. Between rows

White clover has been the go-to between-row cover crop for many growers. It establishes well, can provide habitat for beneficial insects, and fixes nitrogen. There are a few drawbacks to using it, primarily that it tends to spread quickly, and so keeping it out of beds can be a challenge. White clover responds well to mowing and should be mowed prior to flowering in order to keep a well-established stand. Make sure that your rows are wide enough to accommodate a mower if you go this route.

In addition to pure white clover stands, many growers choose to incorporate a grass such as winter rye or a fescue. There are many reasons to integrate grasses and legumes, including improved winter hardiness, improved soil coverage, and tolerance to disturbance. Seed when there is rain in the forecast, or provide irrigation for good establishment (frost seeding is also an option).

While clover is the go-to for this purpose, there are many other options. Researchers in Morris, MN have been exploring alternative living row covers in recent years, with a focus on day neutral strawberries. While they are currently relying on white on black plastic for beds, they have explored a variety of living row covers as a substitute for landscape fabric (or herbicides / cultivation between rows). In 2019, they tested winter camelina, winter canola, and winter rye in both Morris (silty clay loam) and Farmington (sandy loam). Canola and rye both provided good weed suppression, though the canola needed to be mowed (canola is also a Brassica, which is important to consider for crop rotation purposes). All treatments yielded slightly less than plastic landscape fabric between rows. Read more about the trial here

Cornercopia student farm has been using white clover
between rows for years. Photo from their blog. 

2. Within rows

One of the primary challenges to incorporating cover crops in vegetables is the short window of time between harvesting late summer and fall crops, and the first freeze. One approach to getting a cover crop in early while providing some weed control is to underseed your cover crop directly into your main crop. This practice is more commonly discussed in the context of field crops, but vegetable farmers are beginning to experiment with it more and more. There are a number of caveats to consider with this practice: you need to plant your cover crop late enough for your primary crop to become well established, or the cover crop can out-compete your primary crop. Typically seeding is recommended after your final cultivation pass, or right before the canopy begins to fill in. However, this means that your cover crop could become shaded-out by your primary crop if it forms a dense canopy. Therefore, this approach is likely best suited to upright crops with a fairly slim canopy such as peppers or staked tomatoes, which are less likely to shade out an understory crop than a crop like pumpkins or melons. Keep in mind that a cover crop growing underneath your primary crop will compete for nutrients, so it must be fertilized. This system can also increase the overall canopy humidity, which may impact disease management; if possible, choose a low-growing cover crop. 

While this type of system is attractive for many reasons, it takes trial and error to figure out the best approach for your farm. Projects like this are great candidates for on-farm research grants such as the MDA Sustainable Ag Demonstration Grant or the SARE Farmer Rancher Grant. Our team can provide support and feedback to farmers who want to apply to these programs. 

Plastic mulch recycling services

For growers who are sticking with plastic, there may be recycling opportunities available in your area. All of the farmers who have attended our farmer to farmer gatherings who also recycle their on-farm plastic use Revolution Plastics . The Recycling Association of MN also lists a few sites that accept agricultural plastics.


In our farmer to farmer gatherings so far, we've highlighted Racing Heart Farm, Featherstone Farm, and Tiffany LaShae - all of whom are using innovative strategies for improving soil health in their vegetable farming practices. At each event, we've asked them to share some resources that have informed their practice. Here are the books they recommended: 

  • The no-till organic vegetable farm by Daniel Mays
  • The organic no till farming revolution by Andrew Mefferd
  • No-till intensive vegetable culture by Bryan O'Hara
  • The new harvest by Calestous Juma
  • Original instructions: Indigenous teachings for a sustainable future by Melissa Nelson
  • Managing Cover Crops Profitably - SARE handbook (free online)
  • Google Group: Climate Resilient Vegetable Production. This is a listserv where growers post questions related to reduced tillage and other climate resilience practices. If you'd like to join, you can reach out to Rue Genger at rue.genger@wisc.edu

Method for manufacturing a biodegradable agricultural ...

벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭 필름의 제조방법 및 그로부터 제조된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법 Method for producing biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice and method for direct growing of rice using biodegradable agricultural mulching film produced therefrom

본 발명은 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭 필름의 제조방법 및 그로부터 제조된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a method for producing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice and a rice direct growing method using a biodegradable agricultural mulching film produced therefrom.

본 발명은 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭 필름의 제조방법 및 그로부터 제조된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a method for producing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice and a rice direct growing method using a biodegradable agricultural mulching film produced therefrom.

이러한, 직파재배방법은 모내기의 노력이 절감되는 이점이 있고, 논갈이에서수확까지 기계화생력화가 가능하지만, 잡초에 의한 피해가 크고 2모작도 곤란하므로 특수지역을 제외하고는 부적당하며, 볍씨 노출로 인해 조류로 인한 볍씨유실 및 제초제의 과다 사용으로 인하여 재배면적이 크게 향상되지 못하는 문제점이 있다. Such a direct cultivation method has the advantage of reducing the effort of planting and mechanization is possible from rice field to harvest, but it is inadequate except in special areas because the damage caused by weeds is difficult and two crops are difficult. Due to the excessive use of rice seed oil and herbicides caused by algae, there is a problem that the cultivation area is not greatly improved.

이러한, 직파재배방법은 모내기의 노력이 절감되는 이점이 있고, 논갈이에서수확까지 기계화생력화가 가능하지만, 잡초에 의한 피해가 크고 2모작도 곤란하므로 특수지역을 제외하고는 부적당하며, 볍씨 노출로 인해 조류로 인한 볍씨유실 및 제초제의 과다 사용으로 인하여 재배면적이 크게 향상되지 못하는 문제점이 있다. Such a direct cultivation method has the advantage of reducing the effort of planting and mechanization is possible from rice field to harvest, but it is inadequate except in special areas because the damage caused by weeds is difficult and two crops are difficult. Due to the excessive use of rice seed oil and herbicides caused by algae, there is a problem that the cultivation area is not greatly improved.

한편, 직파재배방법이란, 씨앗을 묘상에 육묘하지 않고 본답에 직접 파종하여 수확할 때까지 그 자리에서 자라게 하는 방법으로, 현재는 벼의 재배에 있어서직파재배방법 보다는 이앙재배방법이 일반적으로 사용되고 있다. 하지만 관개수를빗물에만 의존하는 천수답에서 가뭄에 대비하여 농사를 행하던 옛날에는,관개설비가 불완전하고 빗물에 의지하여 벼농사를 지었기 때문에 비교적 제한된 지역에서 직파재배방법이 주로 실시되었다. On the other hand, the direct cultivation method is a method in which seeds are not grown in seedlings but are seeded directly in the field until they are harvested and grown on the spot. Currently, the rice transplanting method is generally used rather than the direct cultivation method in rice cultivation. . However, in the past when farming for drought in the shallow water, where irrigation water depended solely on rainwater, direct cultivation was carried out in relatively limited areas because of irrigation facilities and rice farming based on rainwater.

한편, 직파재배방법이란, 씨앗을 묘상에 육묘하지 않고 본답에 직접 파종하여 수확할 때까지 그 자리에서 자라게 하는 방법으로, 현재는 벼의 재배에 있어서직파재배방법 보다는 이앙재배방법이 일반적으로 사용되고 있다. 하지만 관개수를빗물에만 의존하는 천수답에서 가뭄에 대비하여 농사를 행하던 옛날에는,관개설비가 불완전하고 빗물에 의지하여 벼농사를 지었기 때문에 비교적 제한된 지역에서 직파재배방법이 주로 실시되었다. On the other hand, the direct cultivation method is a method in which seeds are not grown in seedlings but are seeded directly in the field until they are harvested and grown on the spot. Currently, the rice transplanting method is generally used rather than the direct cultivation method in rice cultivation. . However, in the past when farming for drought in the shallow water, where irrigation water depended solely on rainwater, direct cultivation was carried out in relatively limited areas because of irrigation facilities and rice farming based on rainwater.

우리 나라의 자연환경은 여름철에 기온이 높고 강우량이 많은 몬순아시아권에 속해 있기 때문에 벼 농사가 적합하여 오랜 역사를 통하여 도작문화가 형성되어왔다. 쌀 농사는 농가의 주소득원으로서 경제적 비중이 크고, 쌀은 여러가지 영양성분을 고루 갖춘 건강식이다. Since the natural environment of our country belongs to the monsoon region, where the temperature is high and the rainfall is high in summer, rice farming is suitable, and the culture of the culture has been formed through a long history. Rice farming has a large economic weight as a source of farmers' rice, and rice is a healthy food with various nutrients.

우리 나라의 자연환경은 여름철에 기온이 높고 강우량이 많은 몬순아시아권에 속해 있기 때문에 벼 농사가 적합하여 오랜 역사를 통하여 도작문화가 형성되어왔다. 쌀 농사는 농가의 주소득원으로서 경제적 비중이 크고, 쌀은 여러가지 영양성분을 고루 갖춘 건강식이다. Since the natural environment of our country belongs to the monsoon region, where the temperature is high and the rainfall is high in summer, rice farming is suitable, and the culture of the culture has been formed through a long history. Rice farming has a large economic weight as a source of farmers' rice, and rice is a healthy food with various nutrients.

아시아에서는 매년 약 3억 톤의 쌀(벼)이 생산되고 10억이 넘는 인구가 쌀을 주식으로 생활하고 있으며, 쌀을 다른 작물과 같이 혼합 또는 가공하여 이용하는 경우까지 합하면 세계인구의 약 절반이 쌀을 주식으로 이용하는 것으로 알려져 있다. In Asia, about 300 million tons of rice are produced every year, and more than 1 billion people live on staple rice. About half of the world's population is added to rice when mixed or processed with other crops. It is known to use as a stock.

아시아에서는 매년 약 3억 톤의 쌀(벼)이 생산되고 10억이 넘는 인구가 쌀을 주식으로 생활하고 있으며, 쌀을 다른 작물과 같이 혼합 또는 가공하여 이용하는 경우까지 합하면 세계인구의 약 절반이 쌀을 주식으로 이용하는 것으로 알려져 있다. In Asia, about 300 million tons of rice are produced every year, and more than 1 billion people live on staple rice. About half of the world's population is added to rice when mixed or processed with other crops. It is known to use as a stock.

또한, 본 발명은 볍씨를 조류나 기타 피해로부터 예방할 수 있으면서 보온을유지할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 사용하기때문에 별도의 수거가 필요 없이 자연 상태에서 생분해가 된다. In addition, the present invention can not only maintain the warmth while preventing rice seed from algae or other damage, as well as using a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice is biodegradable in the natural state without the need for separate collection.

또한, 본 발명은 볍씨를 조류나 기타 피해로부터 예방할 수 있으면서 보온을유지할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 사용하기때문에 별도의 수거가 필요 없이 자연 상태에서 생분해가 된다. In addition, the present invention can not only maintain the warmth while preventing rice seed from algae or other damage, as well as using a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice is biodegradable in the natural state without the need for separate collection.

상기에서 살펴본 바와 같이 본 발명은 모기르기와 이앙단계를 생략할 수 있고, 감비 효과가 있으며 노동력과 비용을 감소할 수 있어 생산비를 획기적으로 줄일 수 있으며, 동시에 멀칭까지 하므로 제초제나 제초작업이 필요 없고 관행농법에비해 생산비의 추가 부담 없이 벼를 친환경적으로 재배할 수 있는 효과를 발휘한다. As described above, the present invention can omit the mosquitoes and the transplanting step, can reduce the labor force and costs, can significantly reduce the production cost, and at the same time do not need herbicides or weeding work Compared to conventional farming methods, it is possible to grow rice in an environmentally friendly manner without additional production costs.

상기에서 살펴본 바와 같이 본 발명은 모기르기와 이앙단계를 생략할 수 있고, 감비 효과가 있으며 노동력과 비용을 감소할 수 있어 생산비를 획기적으로 줄일 수 있으며, 동시에 멀칭까지 하므로 제초제나 제초작업이 필요 없고 관행농법에비해 생산비의 추가 부담 없이 벼를 친환경적으로 재배할 수 있는 효과를 발휘한다. As described above, the present invention can omit the mosquitoes and the transplanting step, can reduce the labor force and costs, can significantly reduce the production cost, and at the same time do not need herbicides or weeding work Compared to conventional farming methods, it is possible to grow rice in an environmentally friendly manner without additional production costs.

또한, 본 발명은 상기에 의해 제조된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을, 필름에 붙은 볍씨가 논 바닥과 맞닿도록 논 바닥에 치상하는 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법을 제공한다. In addition, the present invention is a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice prepared by the above, rice using the biodegradable agricultural mulching film comprising the step of flocculating the rice seed attached to the film on the rice paddy bottom so as to contact the rice paddy bottom. Provides a direct growing method.

또한, 본 발명은 상기에 의해 제조된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을, 필름에 붙은 볍씨가 논 바닥과 맞닿도록 논 바닥에 치상하는 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법을 제공한다. In addition, the present invention is a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice prepared by the above, rice using the biodegradable agricultural mulching film comprising the step of flocculating the rice seed attached to the film on the rice paddy bottom so as to contact the rice paddy bottom. Provides a direct growing method.

상기의 목적을 달성하기 위해 본 발명은 (A) 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된분말 또는 펠렛 형태의 원료에 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘을 혼합하여 생분해 필름 원료혼합물을 제조한 후, 제조된 생분해 필름 원료혼합물을 압출기의 투입부로 투입하는 단계; (B) 투입부로부터 배출되는 생분해 필름 원료혼합물이 하나의 토출구를 통해 블로우 성형되는 단계; (C) 상기 블로우 성형물의 종단면을 절단하여 절단된 블로우 성형물을 필름 형태로 각각 펴지도록 지관에 감아 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 수득하는 단계; 및 (D) 상기에서 수득된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름에 다수의 구멍을 일정 간격으로 뚫은 후, 구멍 주변에 볍씨를 붙이는 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법을 제공한다. In order to achieve the above object, the present invention provides a biodegradable film raw material mixture prepared by mixing a calcium carbonate encapsulated with stearic acid with a raw material in the form of a powder or pellets composed of an aliphatic polyester material, and then preparing a biodegradable film raw material mixture. Injecting into the inlet of the extruder; (B) blow molding the biodegradable film raw material mixture discharged from the inlet through one outlet; (C) cutting the longitudinal section of the blow molded product to obtain a biodegradable agricultural mulching film by winding the cut blow molded product in the form of a film to be unfolded in a film form; And (D) drilling a plurality of holes in the biodegradable agricultural mulching film obtained above at regular intervals, and then attaching rice seeds around the holes to provide a manufacturing method of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for rice cultivation. do.

상기의 목적을 달성하기 위해 본 발명은 (A) 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된분말 또는 펠렛 형태의 원료에 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘을 혼합하여 생분해 필름 원료혼합물을 제조한 후, 제조된 생분해 필름 원료혼합물을 압출기의 투입부로 투입하는 단계; (B) 투입부로부터 배출되는 생분해 필름 원료혼합물이 하나의 토출구를 통해 블로우 성형되는 단계; (C) 상기 블로우 성형물의 종단면을 절단하여 절단된 블로우 성형물을 필름 형태로 각각 펴지도록 지관에 감아 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 수득하는 단계; 및 (D) 상기에서 수득된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름에 다수의 구멍을 일정 간격으로 뚫은 후, 구멍 주변에 볍씨를 붙이는 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법을 제공한다. In order to achieve the above object, the present invention provides a biodegradable film raw material mixture prepared by mixing a calcium carbonate encapsulated with stearic acid with a raw material in the form of a powder or pellets composed of an aliphatic polyester material, and then preparing a biodegradable film raw material mixture. Injecting into the inlet of the extruder; (B) blow molding the biodegradable film raw material mixture discharged from the inlet through one outlet; (C) cutting the longitudinal section of the blow molded product to obtain a biodegradable agricultural mulching film by winding the cut blow molded product in the form of a film to be unfolded in a film form; And (D) drilling a plurality of holes in the biodegradable agricultural mulching film obtained above at regular intervals, and then attaching rice seeds around the holes to provide a manufacturing method of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for rice cultivation. do.

이에 본 발명은 상기와 같은 문제점을 해결하고자 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭 필름의 제조방법 및 그로부터 제조된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법을 제공하는 데 그 목적이 있다. Accordingly, an object of the present invention is to provide a method for producing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice, and a rice direct cultivation method using a biodegradable agricultural mulching film prepared therefrom.

이에 본 발명은 상기와 같은 문제점을 해결하고자 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭 필름의 제조방법 및 그로부터 제조된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법을 제공하는 데 그 목적이 있다. Accordingly, an object of the present invention is to provide a method for producing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice, and a rice direct cultivation method using a biodegradable agricultural mulching film prepared therefrom.

도 3은 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법으로부터 수득된구멍이 일정간격을 두고 서로 2방향으로 대칭되도록 형성된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 나타낸 도면이다. Figure 3 is a view showing the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for rice cultivation for the straight-hole cultivation of rice formed from the manufacturing method of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice symmetrical in two directions with a predetermined interval.

도 3은 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법으로부터 수득된구멍이 일정간격을 두고 서로 2방향으로 대칭되도록 형성된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 나타낸 도면이다. Figure 3 is a view showing the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for rice cultivation for the straight-hole cultivation of rice formed from the manufacturing method of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice symmetrical in two directions with a predetermined interval.

구멍이 일정간격을 두고 서로 4방향으로 대칭되도록 형성된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 나타낸 도면이다. It is a view showing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice formed so that the holes are symmetrical in four directions with a predetermined interval.

구멍이 일정간격을 두고 서로 4방향으로 대칭되도록 형성된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 나타낸 도면이다. It is a view showing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice formed so that the holes are symmetrical in four directions with a predetermined interval.

도 2는 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법으로부터 수득된 Figure 2 is obtained from the manufacturing method of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice

도 2는 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법으로부터 수득된 Figure 2 is obtained from the manufacturing method of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice

도 1은 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법으로부터 수득된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 나타낸 도면이다. 1 is a view showing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice obtained from the manufacturing method of a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice.

도 1은 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 제조방법으로부터 수득된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 나타낸 도면이다. 1 is a view showing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice obtained from the manufacturing method of a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice.

이하, 본 발명의 과제 해결 수단에 대해 단계별로 세분화하여 상세히 설명하고자 한다.

Hereinafter, the problem solving means of the present invention will be described in detail by dividing step by step.

단계 1: 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된 분말 또는 펠렛 형태의 원료 에스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘을 혼합하여 생분해 필름 원료혼합물을 제조한 후, 제조된 생분해 필름 원료혼합물을 압출기의 투입부로 투입하는 단계

Step 1: preparing a biodegradable film raw material mixture by mixing calcium carbonate encapsulated with raw esteraric acid in powder or pellet form composed of aliphatic polyester material, and then injecting the prepared biodegradable film raw material mixture into the inlet of the extruder.

본 단계 1은 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된 분말 또는 펠렛 형태의 원료에 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘을 혼합하여 멀칭 필름 원료혼합물을 제조한후, 제조된 멀칭 필름 원료혼합물을 압출기의 투입부로 투입하는 단계이다.

This step 1 is to prepare a mulching film raw material mixture by mixing the calcium carbonate encapsulated with stearic acid in the powder or pellet form of the aliphatic polyester material, and then injecting the prepared mulching film raw material mixture into the input unit of the extruder .

본 발명은 농업용에 사용되는 멀칭필름에 있어서, 멀칭필름의 생산비용을 감소시키면서 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 제조하기 위해 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된 분말 또는 펠렛 형태의 원료에 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘을 혼합하여 멀칭필름 원료혼합물을 제조한다.

The present invention is a carbonic acid encapsulated with stearic acid in a raw material in the form of powder or pellets composed of aliphatic polyester material for producing a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct growing of rice while reducing the production cost of mulching film in the mulching film used for agriculture Mixing calcium to prepare a mulching film raw material mixture.

본 발명은 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 제조하기 위해 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된 분말 또는 펠렛 형태의 원료를 사용하는데, 이는 사용시 외부에 노출되어 있거나 토양에 매립된 뒤에도 자연상태에서 미생물에 의해 분해되기 때문에 환경오염을 방지할 수 있고 폐 처리에 따른 사회적 비용을 경감시킬 수 있어 친환경적이기 때문이다.

The present invention uses a raw material in the form of powder or pellets composed of aliphatic polyester material to produce a biodegradable agricultural mulching film, which is environmentally polluted because it is decomposed by microorganisms in a natural state even after being exposed to the outside or embedded in soil. This is because it is eco-friendly because it can prevent the cost and reduce the social cost of waste disposal.

한편, 본 발명에서 사용한 지방족폴리에스테르는 특정 종류에 한정되는 것은아니나, 바람직하게는 PBS(Poly(butylene succinate)), PAS(Poly(butyleneadipate)), PGA(Poly(glycolic acid)), PLA(Poly(lactic acid), PCL(Poly(ε-caprolatone)), PHV(Poly(hydroxy valerate)), PBSA(Poly(butylene succinateadipate)), PGLA(Poly(glycolic acid-co-latic acid)), PHBV(Poly(hydroxybutyrate valerate)) 및 PBAT(Poly(butyrate adipate terephthalate)) 중 선택되는 어느 하나 이상인 것이 좋다.

On the other hand, the aliphatic polyester used in the present invention is not limited to a specific kind, preferably PBS (Poly (butylene succinate)), PAS (Poly (butyleneadipate)), PGA (Poly (glycolic acid)), PLA (Poly (lactic acid), PC (Poly (ε-caprolatone)), PHV (Poly (hydroxy valerate)), PBSA (Poly (butylene succinateadipate)), PGLA (Poly (glycolic acid-co-latic acid)), PHBV (Poly (hydroxybutyrate valerate)) and PBAT (Poly (butyrate adipate terephthalate)) is one or more selected from.

한편, 본 발명은 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘을 반드시 포함하는 데, 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘을 사용함으로써 상대적으로 고가인 지방족폴리에스테르의 사용량을 줄일 수 있고, 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 비중을 낮춤으로써지방족폴리에스테르의 사용량 대비 생산된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 부피를 증가시킬 수 있기 때문에 생산비용을 절감할 수 있어 경제적으로 효율적이다. 또한, 스테아린산으로 탄산칼슘을 캡슐화함으로써 탄산칼슘의 분산이 잘 이루어져 이물감 없이 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 생산할 수 있고, 탄산칼슘이 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름의 내열성을 증가시키는 장점도 있다.

On the other hand, the present invention necessarily includes calcium carbonate encapsulated with stearic acid, by using a calcium carbonate encapsulated with stearic acid can reduce the amount of relatively expensive aliphatic polyester, aliphatic by lowering the specific gravity of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film Since the volume of the biodegradable mulching film produced compared to the amount of polyester can be increased, the production cost can be reduced and it is economically efficient. In addition, by encapsulating calcium carbonate with stearic acid, the calcium carbonate can be dispersed well to produce a biodegradable agricultural mulching film without foreign matter, and calcium carbonate has the advantage of increasing the heat resistance of the biodegradable agricultural mulching film.

한편, 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘은 바람직하게 0.01~1㎛인 것이 좋은데, 1㎛를 초과하는 경우에는 분산이 잘 이루어지지 않아 비중이 낮은 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 제조하는데 어려움이 발생한다.

On the other hand, calcium carbonate encapsulated with stearic acid is preferably preferably 0.01 ~ 1㎛, when exceeding 1㎛ is difficult to produce a biodegradable agricultural mulching film having a low specific gravity because the dispersion is not made well.

한편, 멀칭필름 원료혼합물은 바람직하게 스테아린산으로 캡슐화된 탄산칼슘이 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된 분말 또는 펠렛 형태의 원료를 5~45 중량% 대체하여 조성되는 것이 좋은데, 지방족폴리에스테르 재질로 구성된 멀칭필름과 물성이 유사하면서 비중을 낮출 수 있어 생산비용을 효율적으로 절감할 수 있기 때문이다.

On the other hand, the mulching film raw material mixture is preferably formed by replacing 5 to 45% by weight of the raw material in the form of powder or pellets composed of aliphatic polyester material encapsulated with stearic acid, the mulching film composed of aliphatic polyester material This is because the physical properties are similar and the specific gravity can be lowered, thereby effectively reducing the production cost.

한편, 멀칭필름 원료혼합물은 바람직하게 셀룰로오스 또는 전분을 추가적으로 함유하는 것이 좋은데, 셀룰로오스는 단당류(monosaccharide)인 글루코오스(glucose) 2분자로 이루어진 셀로비오스(cellobiose)가 결합하여 이뤄지고 미생물에 의해 분해되는 생분해성이다. 본 발명은 셀룰로오스를 추가적으로 함유함으로써통기성 및 통수성이 우수한 멀칭필름을 제조할 수 있고, 사용되는 셀룰로오스 또는전분은 가장 바람직하게 20㎛~40㎛인 것이 좋으며, 멀칭필름 원료혼합물을 0.5~5 중량% 대체하여 첨가되는 것이 좋다.

On the other hand, the mulching film raw material mixture preferably contains an additional cellulose or starch, the cellulose is a biodegradable biodegradable formed by the combination of cellobiose consisting of two molecules of glucose (monosaccharide) and decomposed by microorganisms to be. In the present invention, by additionally containing cellulose, it is possible to produce a mulching film excellent in breathability and water permeability, the cellulose or starch used is most preferably 20㎛ ~ 40㎛, 0.5 ~ 5% by weight of the mulching film raw material mixture It is good to be added instead.

단계 2: 투입부로부터 배출되는 멀칭필름 원료혼합물이 하나의 토출구를 통해 블로우 성형되는 단계

Step 2: blow molding the mulching film raw material mixture discharged from the input through one discharge port

본 단계 2는 투입부로부터 배출되는 멀칭필름 원료혼합물이 하나의 토출구를통해 블로우 성형되는 단계이다.

This step 2 is a step of blow molding the mulching film raw material mixture discharged from the inlet through one discharge port.

블로우 성형이란 원료를 주입하여 압출기를 통해 원료가 용해되어 토출구를통해 용출될 때 관의 내부로 콤프레서를 이용하여 공기를 공급함으로써 성형하는 방법이다.

Blow molding is a method of molding by injecting raw materials and supplying air using a compressor to the inside of the tube when the raw materials are dissolved and eluted through the discharge port through the extruder.

본 발명은 투입부로부터 배출되는 멀칭필름 원료혼합물이 하나의 토출구를 통해 블로우 성형을 실시함으로써 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 제조할 수 있다.

The present invention can produce a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice by blow molding the mulching film raw material mixture discharged from the inlet through one discharge port.

단계 3: 상기 블로우 성형물의 종단면을 절단하여 절단된 블로우 성형물을 필름 형태로 각각 펴지도록 지관에 감아 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 수득하는 단계

Step 3: cutting the longitudinal section of the blow molded product to obtain a biodegradable agricultural mulching film by winding the cut blow molded product in the form of a film to each unfold.

본 단계 3은 상기 블로우 성형물의 종단면을 절단하여 절단된 블로우 성형물을 필름 형태로 각각 펴지도록 지관에 감아 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 수득하는 단계이다.

This step 3 is a step of obtaining a biodegradable agricultural mulching film by cutting the longitudinal section of the blow molding to wind the cut blow molding in the form of film to each unfold.

상기 단계 2에서 생산된 블로우 성형물은 이어진 형태이기 때문에 멀칭필름으로 사용하기에는 어려움이 있다. 이에 본 발명은 서로 이어진 형태인 성형물의 종단면을 절단함으로써 블로우 성형물을 필름 형태로 각각 펴지도록 하여 운반과 보관에 용이하게 지관에 감는 것이다.

The blow molded product produced in step 2 is difficult to use as a mulching film because it is a continuous form. Accordingly, the present invention is to cut the longitudinal cross-section of the moldings that are connected to each other to unfold the blow moldings in the form of a film to each easily wound around the paper pipe for transport and storage.

이렇게 만들어진 멀칭필름은 지방족폴리에스테르의 사용량 대비 부피가 증가되어 생산효율이 좋으면서 생산비용을 절감할 수 있고, 생분해성으로, 별도의 수거가 필요 없기 때문에 노동력을 절감할 수 있는 장점이 있다.

The mulching film made in this way has an advantage of reducing labor costs because the volume of the aliphatic polyester is increased compared to the amount of use thereof, and thus the production efficiency is good, and the biodegradability does not require separate collection.

단계 4: 상기에서 수득된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름에 다수의 구멍을 일정 간격으로 뚫은 후, 구멍 주변에 볍씨를 붙이는 단계

Step 4: after drilling a plurality of holes in the biodegradable agricultural mulching film obtained at a predetermined interval, attaching rice seed around the hole

본 단계 4는 상기 단계 3에서 수득된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름에 다수의 구멍을 일정 간격으로 뚫은 후, 구멍 주변에 볍씨를 붙이는 단계이다.

This step 4 is a step of attaching rice seed around the hole after drilling a plurality of holes at a predetermined interval in the biodegradable agricultural mulching film obtained in step 3.

한편, 본 발명은 상기 단계 3에서 수득된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름에 다수의 구멍을 일정 간격으로 뚫는데, 이는 구멍 주변에 붙여진 볍씨에서 발아된 유아가 멀칭필름 위로 뻗어나올 수 있게 하기 위해서이다.

On the other hand, the present invention drills a plurality of holes in the biodegradable agricultural mulching film obtained in step 3 at regular intervals, so that the infant germinated from the rice seed attached around the hole can extend over the mulching film.

한편, 다수의 구멍은 바람직하게 조간 및 주간이 100~400mm 되도록 일정 간격으로 뚫는 것이 좋다.

On the other hand, a plurality of holes is preferably drilled at regular intervals so that intertidal and daytime 100 ~ 400mm.

조간이란 작물이 심어진 폭을 의미하고, 주간이란 포기와 포기 사이(그루와 그루 사이)를 의미한다.

The term "morning" means the width of the planted plant, and the weekly "between and between trees".

한편, 본 발명은 수득된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름에 다수의 구멍을 일정 간격으로 뚫은 후, 구멍 주변에 볍씨를 붙이는 단계; 이후 바람직하게 추가적으로, 볍씨를 최아시키는 단계를 포함할 수 있다.

On the other hand, the present invention after drilling a plurality of holes in a predetermined interval on the obtained biodegradable agricultural mulching film, attaching rice seed around the hole; Then preferably additionally, may include the step of minimizing rice seed.

한편, 수득된 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름에 뚫은 구멍은 바람직하게 일정간격을두고 서로 4방향으로 대칭되도록 형성된 것 또는 일정간격을 두고 서로 2방향으로대칭되도록 형성된 것 또는 직경 10mm~50mm인 것이 좋고, 멀칭필름 구멍 주변에 붙인 볍씨는 바람직하게 2~10개인 것이 좋다.

On the other hand, the holes punched in the obtained biodegradable agricultural mulching film is preferably formed to be symmetrical to each other in four directions with a predetermined interval or formed to be symmetrical to each other in two directions with a certain interval or diameter 10mm ~ 50mm, Rice seed stuck around the hole is preferably 2-10.

한편, 본 발명의 볍씨 간의 붙이는 간격은 이앙재배의 단위 면적당의 포기수가 될 정도의 간격으로 붙인다.

On the other hand, the spacing between the rice seeds of the present invention is pasted at intervals such as to give up water per unit area of rice planting.

또한 본 발명은 상기에 의해 제조된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을, 필름에 붙은 볍씨가 논 바닥과 맞닿도록 논 바닥에 치상하는 단계를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 하는 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 이용한 벼 직파재배방법을 제공한다.

In another aspect, the present invention is a rice straight wave using a biodegradable mulching film for biodegradable agricultural mulching film comprising the step of arranging the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice prepared by the above, so that the rice seed attached to the film abuts the bottom of the paddy field. Provide a cultivation method.

본 발명은 상기에서 제조된 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을, 필름에 붙은 볍씨가 논 바닥과 맞닿도록 논 바닥에 치상하는데, 볍씨를 조류나 기타피해로부터 예방할 수 있으면서 보온을 유지할 수 있기 때문이다.

The present invention is a biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice prepared in the above, the rice seed adhered to the film on the rice paddy bottom so as to contact the bottom of the rice paddy, because the rice seed can be kept warm while being able to prevent rice seed from algae or other damages. .

한편, 통상적으로 벼 재배방법은 볍씨를 정선 및 소독하여 침종하고 싹을 틔운 후, 어느 정도 모를 기른 다음, 모를 본 논으로 옮겨 심는데(이앙), 본 발명의벼 직파재배방법은 필름에 붙은 볍씨가 논 바닥과 맞닿도록 논 바닥에 치상함으로써 모기르기와 모를 본 논으로 옮겨 심는(이앙) 것을 생략할 수 있어 매우 간편하다. 또한, 벼의 직파재배용 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름은 별도로 수거를 하지 않아도자연적으로 생분해되기 때문에 환경오염을 방지하고 수거에 따른 노동력을 절감시킬 수 있으며, 잡초를 예방할 수 있어 제초제의 사용을 억제할 수 있다.

On the other hand, the rice cultivation method is usually seeded and disinfected by seeding and disinfection of rice seedlings, after sprouting, after raising some seedlings, transfer the seedlings to the rice paddy (Iang), the rice direct cultivation method of the present invention is the rice seed attached to the film It is very easy to avoid mosquitoes and transplanting the seedlings to the rice paddies by placing them on the rice pads so that they touch the rice paddies. In addition, since the biodegradable agricultural mulching film for direct cultivation of rice is biodegradable even if not separately collected, it is possible to prevent environmental pollution and reduce labor due to collection, and to prevent weeds, thereby preventing the use of herbicides.

한편, 치상 할 때의 논 지면의 최상의 상태 유지를 위하여 경운과 로타리 작업을 한 후, 물을 대어 무논(물논) 상태로 한 다음, 평탄 작업 및 비료살포(완효성복비)을 하고 생분해 농업용 멀칭필름을 최대한 논 지면에 가까이 밀착 되도록 하여 치상하여야 하며, 물대기는 유아가 멀칭필름의 구멍 위로 올라올 때까지 건조되지 않도록만 유지하고 그 후에 물대기를 실시하는데, 치상 후 곧바로 물대기를 하였을 경우에는 출아율이 낮아지기 때문이다.

On the other hand, after tilling and rotary work to maintain the best condition of the paper when it is healed, put water into a non-non-water (non-water) state, and then flattening and fertilizer spraying (perfecting coverage) and applying biodegradable mulching film for agriculture. As close as possible to the paddy field, it should be flossed, and the water pool should be kept dry until the baby climbs over the hole in the mulching film. After that, the water will be drained. Because it is lowered.