Hydroxypropyl MethylCellulose - Cellulose Ether

29 Apr.,2024


Hydroxypropyl MethylCellulose - Cellulose Ether

.Hydroxypropyl MethylCellulose (HPMC)

View Details

Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose is non-ionic cellulose ether, in the shape of white powder,

odorless and tasteless.

CAS Number: 9004-65-3

Molecular Formula: C56H108O30

Molecular Weight: 1261.4387


1. Solubility

Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose is soluble in water and part of solvents such as alcohol-water and propyl alcohol-water solvents in an appropriate proportion. The aqueous solution owns surface activity, high transparency and stable properties. Products of different specifications have different gelation temperatures and the solubility changes with the viscosity. The lower the viscosity is, the higher the solubility will be. Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose products with different specifications also have difference in properties and the dissolution of HPMC in water doesn’t get affected by the pH value.

As the methoxyl content decreases, the gel point of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose rises; the water solubility decreases and the surface activity will accordingly reduce.

Besides, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose(HPMC) has thickening capacity, salt tolerance, low ash content, pH stability, water-retaining property, dimensional stability, excellent film-forming ability, extensive resistance to enzymes, dispersibility and cohesiveness.

2. Application

1). Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose In the Construction Industry

As the water-retaining agent and retarder of cement mortar, it enables mortar to own pumping capability. In cement mortar, gypsum slurry, putty powder or other building materials, it can function as adhesives to enhance smearing capacity and prolong operable time. In ceramic tiles, marble and plastic decoration, HPMC can be used as pasting strength agent and reduce the cement content. Water retention capacity of HPMC helps to prevent the crazing of slurry resulting from drying quickly and to enhance the strength after hardening.

2). Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose In the Ceramic Manufacturing Industry

In the ceramic production, it is widely used as adhesives.

3). Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose In the Coating Industry

In the coating industry, it acts as thickening, dispersing and stabilizing agents. It has good solubility to water or organic solvents and can also function as the paint remover.

4). Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose In Ink Printing

In the printing ink industry, it functions as thickening, dispersing and stabilizing agents, and has good solubility to water or organic solvents.

5).Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose In Plastics

In plastics, it can act as the release agent for shape formation, softeners and lubricants.

For more information, please visit Ding’ao.

6).Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose In PVC (Polrvinyl Chloride)

In the production of PVC, it can act as the dispersing agent and is a main additive in producing PVC by suspension polymerization.

7).Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose In Other Industries

The products can also be widely used in leather, paper products, preservation of fruits and vegetables and textile industry.

8).Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose In the Pharmaceutical Industry

It can be used as coating materials, membrane materials, speed-control polymer materials for sustained-release preparation, stabilizers, suspending agents, tablet adhesives and tackifying agents.


Sidley Chemical Co.,Ltd is one of the most famous Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose suppliers in China. If you buy Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose or inquiry Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose price,please e-mail us through:[email protected] .

Various Uses of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) ...

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) powder is a non-toxic, odorless white powder that is soluble in water. It is a versatile material with multiple applications in many industries, including construction, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and textiles.

1. Construction industry

HPMC is widely used in the construction industry as an adhesive, thickener and water retaining agent. When added to cement-based products such as mortar, stucco and concrete, HPMC powder improves workability by enhancing the adhesion and cohesion of the material. It also prevents the material from shrinking or cracking during the drying process. In addition, HPMC powder helps control the material’s setting time and enhances the water-holding capacity of the mixture. This increases the durability and quality of building materials.

2. Pharmaceutical industry

HPMC powder is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry as a binder, thickener and disintegrant. Often used in tablet and capsule formulations to improve drug quality. When added to pharmaceutical formulations, it increases the cohesion of the powder, making it easier to handle. It also enhances the solubility and bioavailability of drugs, making them more easily absorbed by the body. Additionally, HPMC powder controls the release of the drug so that it is released slowly over time.

3. Cosmetics industry

HPMC powder is an important ingredient in the cosmetics industry. It is used as a thickener, emulsifier and stabilizer in many cosmetic formulations, such as shampoos, lotions and creams. In shampoos, HPMC powder increases the viscosity and consistency of the product, making it easier to apply and distribute evenly. In lotions and creams, it increases the viscosity of the product and improves its texture, giving the skin a smooth, silky feel. In addition, HPMC powder helps stabilize emulsions in products, preventing oil and water from separating.

4. Food industry

HPMC powder is used as a thickener, emulsifier and gelling agent in the food industry. It is commonly used in processed foods such as sauces, dairy products and baked goods. When added to food formulations, it improves the texture and consistency of products, providing a smooth, creamy texture. It also enhances the stability of the product, allowing it to stay fresher for a longer period of time. Additionally, HPMC powder provides a vegetarian alternative to gelatin, enabling manufacturers to produce vegan and vegetarian products.

5. Textile industry

HPMC powder is used in the textile industry as a sizing agent for threads and fabrics. When applied to fabric, it adds strength, durability and stiffness to the material. It also prevents fabrics from shrinking or wrinkling during washing and drying. In addition, HPMC powder improves the adhesion of dyes and pigments, providing vibrant and long-lasting color.

Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) powder is a versatile material with numerous applications in many industries. Its unique properties make it an ideal material for construction, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and textiles. As an environmentally friendly material, HPMC powder is non-toxic and biodegradable, making it a safe alternative to traditional materials. The many advantages of HPMC powder make it a valuable material for manufacturers and consumers.

Rio Lee International marketing devision Anxin Cellulose Co.,Ltd

For more HPMC for putty powderinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.