The Application of HPMC in Putty Powder

13 May.,2024


The Application of HPMC in Putty Powder

Melacoll 2020-11-12 03:23

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Putty is a coating material that is often used for base surface treatment when painting interior and exterior walls. The main function is to fill in the defects of the base wall and to micro-level the base surface. For better work results, we recommend using HPMC in putty powder.

What is Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC)?

Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) is a non-ionic cellulose ether. It is an odorless and tasteless white powder. It is made from purified cotton or wood pulp through a series of etherification reactions.

Properties of HPMC

Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) has thermal gelation property. Its aqueous solution will precipitate and gel and then dissolve again after cooling. The gelation temperatures vary according to different specifications. Its solubility also varies with the viscosity, and the lower the viscosity is, the higher the solubility will be. Essentially, HPMC is methyl cellulose modified by epoxy methane, so it has similar characteristics to methyl cellulose that soluble in cold water but insoluble in hot water. The solution doesn’t contain an ionic charge, so it will not react with metal salts or ionic compounds.

Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) has good dispersibility, emulsification, thickening, adhesiveness, water-retention, and glue-retention, so it is widely used in pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, construction, ceramics, textiles, food, household chemicals, synthetic resins, coatings, and electronic products, etc.

Applications of HPMC in Putty Powder

According to the application, Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) can be divided into construction grade, food-grade, and medical grade. In construction, HPMC is mainly used in putty powder, accounting for 90% of the total.

HPMC in putty powder are mainly used as thickeners, water-retentioner, and lubricants.

  • Thickener: Using HPMC in putty powder can thicken putty powder to enhance its suspension ability, anti-sagging ability as well as keep the solution uniform.
  • Water–retentioner: Using HPMC in putty powder can keep it in a moist state and make the auxiliary ash calcium react to underwater action.
  • Lubricant: Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose has a lubricating effect. Using HPMC in putty powder can make the putty powder have good workability and keep it smooth during the construction process, saving manpower.

Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) does not participate in any chemical reactions except as an auxiliary molecule. The process of adding water to putty powder is placed on the wall as a chemical reaction. In the process, a new substance (calcium carbonate) is formed.

The main components of ash calcium powder are: Ca(OH)2, a mixture of CaO, and a small amount of CaCO3. The reaction equation is as follows:

CaO+H2O=Ca(OH)2 —Ca(OH)2+CO2=CaCO3↓+H2O

In this process, gray calcium will be transformed into calcium carbonate under the action of CO2 and water, while HPMC is only working as a water-retentioner to assist the reaction under the better condition without participating in the reaction.

The putty formula can be different according to different specifications. Therefore, the viscosity and the dosage of Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) are also different. In practical applications, it is recommended to use HPMC products with lower viscosity in winter, which is more conducive to construction. Otherwise, when the temperature is low, the viscosity will increase, which may cause trouble for further applications.

At the same time, the corresponding preparations should be done before construction. The underlying surface should remain firm and level. Dry and clean in advance to ensure that the surface of the base is free of grease, batik and other loose substances. Construction workers should also do safety protection work before construction to avoid contamination of window sills, door and window glass and other completed sub-projects during the construction process.

Questions about You Should Know about HPMC

HPMC, or hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, is a chemical compound commonly used in a variety of industries, including pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and construction. Here are some frequently asked questions about HPMC:

What is HPMC?

HPMC is a synthetic polymer made from cellulose, a natural substance found in plants. It is created by chemically modifying cellulose with methyl and hydroxypropyl groups to produce a water-soluble powder.

What are the uses of HPMC?

HPMC has a variety of uses in different industries. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used as a binder, thickener, and emulsifier in tablets, capsules, and ointments. In the cosmetics industry, it is used as a thickener, emulsifier, and stabilizer in creams, lotions, and makeup. In the construction industry, it is used as a binder, thickener, and water retention agent in cement and mortar.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Ding’ao.

HPMC for Self-Leveling

Is HPMC safe?

HPMC is generally considered safe and non-toxic. It is widely used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, where safety and purity are essential. However, as with any chemical, it is important to handle HPMC with care and follow proper safety precautions.

Is HPMC biodegradable?

HPMC is biodegradable and can be broken down by natural processes over time. However, the rate of biodegradation depends on various factors, such as temperature, humidity, and the presence of microorganisms.

Can HPMC be used in food products?

HPMC is not approved for use in food products in some countries, including the United States. However, it is approved for use as a food additive in other countries, such as Japan and China. It is used as a thickener and stabilizer in some food products, such as ice cream and baked goods.

How is HPMC made?

HPMC is made by chemically modifying cellulose, a natural substance found in plants. The cellulose is first treated with an alkali solution to remove impurities and make it more reactive. Then, it is reacted with a mixture of methyl chloride and propylene oxide to produce HPMC.

HPMC for Wall Putty

What are the different grades of HPMC?

There are several grades of HPMC, each with different properties and characteristics. The grades are based on factors such as molecular weight, degree of substitution, and gelation temperature. The different grades of HPMC are used for different applications in various industries.

Can HPMC be mixed with other chemicals?

HPMC can be mixed with other chemicals to produce different properties and characteristics. It is commonly used in combination with other polymers, such as polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and polyethylene glycol (PEG), to enhance its binding and thickening properties.

How is HPMC stored?

HPMC should be stored in a cool, dry place away from moisture and direct sunlight. It should be kept in a tightly sealed container to prevent contamination.

What are the advantages of using HPMC?

The advantages of using HPMC include its versatility, water-solubility, and biodegradability. It is also non-toxic, stable, and compatible with a wide range of other chemicals. Its properties can be easily modified by changing the degree of substitution and molecular weight, making it suitable for a variety of applications.

For more HPMC for putty powderinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.